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Business Advisor – CURES Project – Sfax Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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25 Juillet 2023 Il y a 12 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Sfax
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Santé

About CURES Project:

The Tunisian Health Center for University Research Excellence & Sustainability (CURES) project is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination and implemented by FHI 360 in partnership with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

The aim of this project is to improve scientific education and research in Tunisia to better prevent and treat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the establishment of a modern center of excellence in NCD research and simulation-based teaching that allows the medical community to apply research and test new technologies and treatments. This project will lay the groundwork for the long-term growth of life sciences innovations and health technologies coming out of the University of Sfax and throughout Tunisia, support the improvement of healthcare quality in Tunisia and strengthen the business climate to become more conducive to private sector-led growth.

The project is organized according to three overriding objectives:

Objective 1: Establish a research and simulation center at the Sfax Faculty of Medicine (SFM) equipped with the resources and curriculum necessary to become a center of excellence for research on NCDs.

Objective 2: Create partnerships and linkages between the SFM and American university research centers and universities to facilitate exchanges of information and experience focused on innovation and research.

Objective 3: Establish commercially viable partnerships between the SFM and the private sector, both in Tunisia and internationally, to foster locally developed health-sector technologies.

The Business Advisor would play a role in both Objective 1 and Objective 3.

Objective 1: The Simulation Center is managed by a public entity, but to be financially as well as socially productive, it must serve both paying and non-paying users. It will provide facilities for compulsory training for medical and nursing students, as well as optional additional training for those students, and training for post-graduate level students, doctors in residence, and private sector specialists. Each category of user represents a distinct market segment and priority in terms of the mission of the Simulation Center.

The Business Advisor will play a lead role in developing a business model with a pricing structure that takes into account the cost structure of each department of the Simulation Lab, the capacity constraints of each department, and the nature of demand for each type of training by market segment, using cost and revenue forecasts covering a 10-year period.

Objective 3:

The Business Advisor would play a key role in the set-up of the new Technology Transfer and Commercialization Unit, as well as conducting (and/or supervising) market research and feasibility studies for new technologies as they move from concept to prototype to commercialization.

Specifically, as researchers present new technologies, the Business Advisor would assist with market research (validating the commercial viability), developing a business plan, developing pitch decks for investors, and financial projections.


  • Develop a detailed financial model for the Simulation Lab
  • Assisting the management of the Simulation Lab with pricing and business sustainability
  • Develop a business model for the planned regional Technology Transfer and Commercialization Unit
  • Conduct and/or supervise market research and feasibility studies related to technology commercialization, while assisting the Tech Transfer and Commercialization Unit to build such capabilities internally
  • Liaise between public and private stakeholders

Critères d'éligibilité

  • A master’s degree and 5 years of experience in business (MBA), economics, finance, accounting, statistics or similar field
  • Exceptional skills in building user-friendly spreadsheets with clear documentation
  • Strong communication and liaison skills, including presentation and facilitating business relationships
  • The ideal candidate has experience in both forecasting and cost accounting (not required but desirable)
  • Some awareness of science, engineering and medical industry terminology and commercialization
  • Proficiency in Arabic, French and English

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 18 July 2023

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