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Le British Council recrute un stagiaire (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités

British Council

Lance   Offre de stage


31 Octobre 2015 Il y a 9 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

EUNIC Tunisia is a network of National Institutes for Culture from the member states of the European Union in Tunisia, which aims to contribute to cultural diversity inside and outside of the EU and to strengthen cultural dialogue and exchange.

EUNIC Tunisia is led by the British Council and is part of a network of over 90 EUNIC clusters present on all continents.

More info here: http://tunisia.eunic-online.eu

Location Tunis
Salary TND 612
Duration 6 months
Closing date Saturday 31 October 2015


Role overview

Accountabilities, responsibilities and main duties:

  • Ensure efficient communication with and between EUNIC members, regarding events, news from the centre, opportunities for co-operation etc, eg via a monthly update to EUNIC members
  • Manage the Tunisia section of the EUNIC global website
  • As Directed by President EUNIC Tunisia, manage and implement agreed EUNIC activities
  • Track and record EUNIC’s activities in Tunisia, with a particular focus on identifying and capturing success stories to increase awareness and appreciation of EUNIC’s activities and impact
  • Assist in developing and sustaining relationships with key individuals and organisations such as arts beneficiaries
  • Provide market intelligence and information in areas relevant to EUNIC’s work
  • Assist in the execution of the EUNIC activities mapping exercise: (distribute the survey to all EUNIC members, follow-up with interviews, summarize the results, assist the consultant who will do the analysis)
  • Assist in organizing an event to promote the results of the mapping exercise

Key relationships: (include internal and external)

  • President of EUNIC Tunisia (ie British Council Country Director)
  • Directors of EUNIC members EUNIC project managers
  • Project staff of EUNIC Tunisia members
  •  Project beneficiaries
  • Key journalists and media influencers in creative and cultural sector
  •  Staff of EUNIC global based in Brussels

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Offre de stage Publié sur Jamaity le 26 October 2015

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