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Le British Council lance un appel à participation d’ONG Retour vers les opportunités

British Council

Lance   Appel à candidatures


31 Octobre 2014 Il y a 10 years

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Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance et 3 autre(s) domaines


The British council in Tunisia is calling for NGOs to partner with the “Women Participating In Public Life Project”(WPIPL) which aims to empower Tunisia’s women by giving them the power to influence and make a difference in their local communities through the British Council community leadership programme, ‘’Active Citizens’’. This project builds confidence, values difference and supports social action.

The Active Citizens programme promotes community cohesion through civic engagement or volunteering. The programme aims to increase the contribution of individuals who are influential within their community towards achieving sustainable development both locally and globally. It provides them with tools and support to better understand how to work with people from diverse backgrounds. They then put their new skills into practice by setting up or adapting the way they run their own social action projects to tackle a social issue within their community. The programme also encourages peer-to-peer relations across cultural, geographic and political boundaries via a lively online social network of participants, as well as occasional international exchange visits.

The Active Citizens Social Leadership Programme in summary:

  • Training of Facilitators running from the first weeks of November 2014. Facilitators will be members of partner NGOs
  • Participants then return to their community and share their learning (November/December 2014)
  • They develop their plan for a social action project(November/December 2014).
  • Once their project plan has been approved by the British Council, they work on their project in their community (December–15, March 2015)
  • Some participants from the course may have the opportunity to take part in the International Study Visit, where they will meet other Active Citizens from around the world, share their experiences and visit projects in a community.
  • At points throughout the course and in the months afterwards, the British Council will ask for feedback from participants and supporting organisations about the impact of involvement in the programme.

If you want to get involved please note that this is not a grant offering proposal, the British Council is not a donor, this project is financed by the Arab Partnership fund. Partner Associations will gain a large set of skills to take positive social action, and will have the opportunity to share their experiences on a local and a global scale.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • This programme is for NGOs who meet the following criteria:  
  • Good reputation for delivery and accountability.
  • Multiplier effect through training and delivery networks in different districts/towns.
  • Access to key influencers - local and national government and civil society.
  • Experience of delivery in local community, has good understanding of how change is effected and is locally well networked. Interest in gender equity, political participation and social leadership.
  • Potential to provide contributions-in-kind or cash e.g. venue, trainers.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 22 October 2014

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