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BBC Media Action North Africa recrute un Evaluateur externe pour son projet El Kul Retour vers les opportunités

BBC Media Action

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05 Juin 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

BBC Media Action North Africa
El Kul External Evaluator
June 2017 /March 2018
Tunis, Tunisia

About BBC Media Action:

BBC Media Action uses media and communications to transform lives throughout the world. To achieve this, BBC Media Action partners with civil society, local media and governments to:

  • Produce creative programs based on robust research in multi-media formats, which inform and engage audiences on key governance and development issues;
  • Strengthen the media sector through building professional capacity and infrastructure.

A BBC Media Action North Africa office has recently been established to manage and develop its work across the Maghreb from a new base in Tunis from where a portfolio of media projects for Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and the region will be run.


El Kul was launched by BBC Media Action in February 2015. El Kul is an online platform designed as a way for BBC Media Action to continue its training and development work with Libyan media practitioners in the absence of a trusted broadcast partner within the country itself.

El Kul is primarily a training and development project aimed at Libyans who want to gain media skills and provide balanced ,fair reporting on events in Libya and stories of interest to Libyans everywhere. Trainees are recruited directly from Libya, through advertising on Facebook and other networks.

El Kul content is produced by El Kul trainees with support from BBC Media Action experts, through a comprehensive training and mentoring programme. Some El Kul graduate trainees have continued to collect local news and information from across the country on their return to Libya. The training programme uses a “learning-by-doing” methodology and works across all levels of the newsroom and programming strands. The programming is intended to help trainees adapt to the challenges of news gathering in a transitional state and multi-skilling required in this context. In particular, the training aims to build trainees’ core technical and editorial skills, in order to support their ongoing ability to produce accurate, non-partisan news and information that meets audience needs. Training and mentoring has included training in technical skills such as camera skills, lighting, editorial principles and graphic design as well as newsroom management and the use of social media to distribute media.

Objective: BBC Media Action aims to provide support in key managerial and organizational skills for the El Kul team to ensure its transition to a self-sustaining and independent media entity within the next two years.

Key responsibilities:

The El Kul newsroom is run by a young Libyan core team who continue to receive production training and capacity building on skills required to effectively produce social media content and to provide mentoring to El Kul trainees on technical skills. BBC Media Action aims to assess and increase the organizational capacity of the Libyan El Kul core team to ensure the sustainability of the project beyond donor funding. To that end, BBC Media Action seeks to recruit an external evaluator with the purpose of:

  • June 2017: Undertaking a baseline evaluation aimed at assessing the team’s managerial and organizational capacity building needs;
  • March 2018: Undertaking an endline organizational evaluation measuring the increase in the core team’s organizational and managerial capacity.

Nature of the Engagement:

The evaluator will:

  • In consultation with BBC Media Action North Africa Research and Learning (R&L) team, design an interview guide and an evaluation grid tailored to El Kul’s core team and BBC Media Action’s needs (up to 3 working days)
    o Deliverable deadline: June 2017
  • Shadow El Kul team while conducting interviews and quantitative surveys with key team members aimed at gauging their organizational capacity and needs (2 working days)
    o Deliverable deadline: 19-20 June 2017
  • Submit a detailed evaluation report (15 to 20 pages- in French or English) one week following the visit assessing the team’s organizational capacity at a baseline point. The report will include recommendations for further training and organizational capacity building areas (up to 2 working days). The BBC Media Action North Africa research team will provide assistance with data entry.
    o Deliverable deadline: 27 June 2017
  • Shadow El Kul team while conducting interviews and quantitative surveys with key team members aimed at gauging their organizational capacity and needs (2 working days)
    o Deliverable deadline: March 2018
  • Submit a detailed evaluation report (15 to 20 pages- in French or English) one week following the visit assessing the team’s organizational capacity at an endline point, including distance traveled (progress) since the initial evaluation (up to 2 working days). The BBC Media Action North Africa research team will provide assistance with data entry.
    o Deliverable deadline: March 2018


Duration: ASAP. Tasks are expected to take 11 working days or less.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Advanced degree in relevant field [Essential]
  • Demonstrated experience in organizational development [Essential]
  • Experience in the media field an asset [Essential]
  • Demonstrated research and analysis abilities [Essential]
  • Competence to work expediently and writing assignments [Essential]
  • Fluency in Arabic [Essential]
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and English [Desirable]

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 25 mai 2017

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