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Al Bawsala lance un appel d’offres pour concevoir et construire la plate-forme Web de son nouveau projet Retour vers les opportunités

Al Bawsala

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15 Février 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

About the organisations

ASF has been intervening in fragile or transitional contexts to accompany processes of rule of law strengthening. It has been present in Tunisia since 2012, implementing various projects on transitional justice, access to justice for vulnerable people, reform of the judicial system and respect for economic and social rights.
Since then, it has forged a strong partnership with, Al Bawsala and the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, who will also be partners to the current project. The three organizations have been meeting since 2017 under the umbrella of the Transitional Justice Monitoring Committee, an informal coalition which brings together some 20 CSOs working in the TJ sector and coordinated by ASF.

Project Presentation

The project « La roujou3 » (Never again) will be implemented in close cooperation with the relevant national counterparts, both institutional and civil society-related. It has been designed to meet the needs of a changing context, based on partners’ expertise and capacities, Al Bawsala and FTDES.
Thus, the overall goal of the project is to contribute to the revitalization of transitional justice efforts in Tunisia in view of effectively dealing with past abuses.
The project will focus on three interrelated specific objectives:

  • Strengthening CSOs’ capacities to jointly advocate for the adoption of guarantees of non-repetition
  • Putting transitional justice back onto policymakers’ agenda
  • Monitoring the TJ process and post-IVD institutional framework

Web Platform


Create a web platform for public debates, questioning political candidates to ensure/probe commitment to TJ measures and an inventory of the envisaged/already undertaken measures and processes to guarantee non-repetition.

Target audience

The beneficiaries of the project are primarily CSOs, victims and lawyers, although the project intends to benefit every Tunisian citizen at the broader level.

  • CSOs : Continue to build CSOs’ capacities in monitoring the TJ process.
  • Victims : Support victims to increase the impact of their actions in the framework of transitional justice mechanisms.
  • Lawyers : The project provides for the participation of lawyers and members of civil society in other regions, to monitor hearings is specialized chambers outside Tunis.
  • Media : As we will organize public and mediated debates with the candidates on TJ-related subjects.
  • General public : Re-legitimize the TJ process and its objectives vis-à-vis the Tunisian citizens, especially through a large scale public campaign collectively and on how the truth, the identification of victims and perpetrators should be presented to the public.

Activities and objectives

We would like the general user to engage in the following activities on our platform:
• Monitoring the Tunisian courts for guaranteeing victims’ access to justice.
• Monitoring the government for the implementation of the IVD’s final recommendations.
• Monitoring the Parliament to control the Government’s adoption of guarantees of non-repetition and other TJ-related measures, including access to justice for victims, accountability for perpetrators and reparation.
• Public debates.
• Publicize the different parties / candidates’ commitments.
• The opportunity for citizens to ask questions about TJ commitments to candidates.

This ties in with our major platform objectives are listed in “Project Presentation”.


• Project presentation

i) Project overview
ii) Main objectives
iii) Participating organizations

• Documents Library

  • Legal texts
    i) Laws
    ii) Bylaws
    iii) Manuals of procedures
  • Definitions / Wiki TJ
  • Reports

• Activities

  • Institutional reforms
  • Memory conservation
  • Arbitration and conciliation
  • Joint activities

• Monitoring

  • Case hearings
    i) Timeline of each case
  • Governmental recommendations implementation
  • Parliament adoption of guarantees of non-return

• Publications

i) Press releases and reports
ii) Spots, campaigns & videos

• Events
i) Workshops
– Live Streaming
ii) Historical case hearings

• Polls
i) Conduct occasional online polls
ii) National surveys results

• Newsletter

• Contact


• Framework & Database :

  • Framework code and database engine must handle the big volume of data.
  • Preferred framework language
    i) Django2 on Python 3 framework code
    ii) PostgreSQL database
  •  Preferred web design
    i) HTML5 web pages language ..
    ii) CSS3 template using the newest version of Bootstrap 4+ framework
    iii) Code scripts using JavaScript (with jQuery and AJAX)

• Front-end :

  • Responsive and Mobile friendly interface
  • Posts and reports could contain full-width illustrations/photos.
  • Possible use of widgets such as: Calendar / Timelines / Geolocation.

• Back-end

  • Content management should be very friendly, simple and modern.
  • Simple integration of future sections to the platform.

Template Design

• Brand guidelines – such as colours, fonts, logos, other graphic
• Print material – brochures, business cards, etc.
• Analysis of competition – what you like and don’t like about their websites
• Examples, and reasons for, websites that you like and dislike


We do provide all the main content and all available data, structures to build the initial database structure and content for the platform.



Build a platform that work for anyone, regardless of technology, location, or ability.

Browser and device support

The platform should be viewed on a wide range of devices and browsers.


The implementing parties will appoint a supervisor (vis-à-vis) to be available when needed for approving the platform design and development process according to the project’s need.

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