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L’association Carthagina lance un appel à volontaires Retour vers les opportunités

Association Carthagina

Lance   Appel à volontaires


07 Novembre 2017 Il y a 7 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis



MedinaPedia is an educational programme with a touristic vocation. The project consists of creating, updating, and translating “Wikipedia” articles about monuments in the old cities in Tunisia, and putting QRpedia codes on all the these monuments. The first part of the project was MedinaPedia Tunis in which the team wrote more than 450 articles about almost 200 monuments of the Medina of Tunis in 11 languages.

This time, we’re repeating the same experience with 122 monuments of the medina of Sfax

Mission of the volunteers:

We are looking for volunteers to join our team.
They will get trainings about how to use wikimedia tools to write wikipedia articles and upload photos, and then be responsible of writing and translating the articles.

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Appel à volontaires Publié sur Jamaity le 18 October 2017

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