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Research Officer – ACTED Retour vers les opportunités


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14 Décembre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

Department: REACH, ACTED

 Base: Tunis

Duration: 5 months

Starting Date: asap



The Research Officer is responsible for overseeing assessments in Libya,  the management and implementation of assessments in the country of operation, including their preparation, implementation and follow-up. He/she is also responsible for related logistics, partner coordination, and reporting and finance requirements and will be required to provide input to the strategic development of programs.

Chain of Command

  • Assessment Manager
  • Country Coordinator

Working Relations

Internal Relations:

  • Assessment Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Assessment Officer
  • Senior Field Manager
  • Project Assistant
  • Enumerators


The REACH Research Officer is responsible for completing the following tasks:

Objective 1.1: Management of assessments process

The REACH Research Officer is responsible for designing the methodology and tools associated with each assessment, according to REACH requirements and principles. He/she will manage the planning, implementation, and follow-up of all REACH and projects specific assessment activities conducted in country. In operations in which REACH is a project component of a wider ACTED intervention, the REACH Research Officer is required to contribute to the preparation and follow up of the Project Management Framework and ensure that activities are properly coordinated and implemented as per the Project Cycle Management, in coordination with the REACH Country Coordinator.

The REACH Research Officer shall manage logistics, financial, administration and HR processes directly related to REACH and liaise accordingly with the relevant ACTED counterpart. He/she is directly responsible for the implementation of proper ACTED FLAT procedures in REACH interventions.

Objective 1.2: Implementation

The REACH Resesearch Officer is responsible for contributing to the implementation of assessment projects, providing support to the development of assessment, database and GIS tools with the REACH team. This will specifically include, with the GIS/DB team, designing of data collection tools (household surveys, focus groups, and more); development or review of databases; contributing to GIS data collection procedures and mapping thereof through ARC GIS and other ESRI products in particular; and analysis of spatial and other information to contribute to reports and the like.

Objective 1.3: Coordination

The REACH Research Officer shall provide technical support to the relevant ACTED department in terms of the preparation of new project proposals, development of programme strategies, implementation of project activities, and any other required REACH input to ACTED projects for added-value.

The REACH Research Officer will assist the Country Coordinator in the timely and accurate preparation of narrative and financial reports related to REACH activities in country through close liaison with the Project Development and Finance departments.

The REACH Research Officer shall liaise with other REACH Officers in the region and throughout IMPACT Initiatives’ and ACTED’s networks to provide and receive support in the expansion of REACH globally.

Other tasks falling within his/her functions as requested by supervisors such as

  • Leading and managing the design and implementation of assessment strategies and research cycle in monitoring and assessments including tools and ToRs for the assessment
  • Overseeing that assessments are planned and implemented in a structured and coherent manner, in line with project and program objectives and with research cycle and other relevant guidelines.
  • Approval of research TORs by management (including Geneva HQ), making sure these are also understood and used by assessment staff and stakeholders, and updated as required.
  • Ensuring the timely and high quality implementation of data collection, including guaranteeing each staff member is properly trained and data cleaning mechanisms are in-place and functional during the data collection cycles.
  • Overseeing the writing of timely and accurate assessment reports and factsheets, which comply with HQ guidelines.
  • Assuring the implementation of workplans and deadlines.
  • Ensuring that the quality of all team products. This involved reviewing all products prior to Geneva review, with final accountability for the presentation, quality and content of products.
  • leading the development/revision of assessment / program strategies, reports or new proposals.
  • External representation with partners

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Excellent academic qualifications, including a Master degree in relevant discipline;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • At least 1.5 years of relevant working experience in humanitarian or development settings;
  • Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Prior knowledge of the region is an asset;
  • Fluency in English required; Arabic language skills is an asset
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management Software;

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 16 octobre 2020

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