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Artivism and Climate Justice in Tunisia -VCA Retour vers les opportunités


05 Août 2024 Il y a 7 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call for Proposals: 

Artivism and Climate Justice in Tunisia 

Information Voices for Just Climate Action Program 

  • Website: https://hivos.org/program/voices-for-just-climate-action/
  •  Project period: 2021 – 2024  
  • Country of intervention: Tunisia 

Information about the Open Call for Application  

Deadline: August 5, 2024 

Target: Tunisian CSOs (registered organizations) and coalitions Grant Amount: Up to €15,000 

Project Implementation Deadline: End of October 2024 

Information on the Open Call for Applications 

Themes: Climate Justice and Art 

Sectors of Intervention: Water, food sovereignty, renewable energy, access to  natural resources, just transition, human rights and climate change, etc. Country of Implementation: Tunisia 

Available Amount for Financing: Up to €15,000 

Language Requirements: English 

Application Deadline: August 5, 2024 

Notification Date: August 10, 2024 

Required Documents: Full proposal and budget (please see the template  attached in the annex) 

  • Duration of the projects: between two months and ten weeks 

Application Timeline 


August 5, 2024 

August 5-10, 2024 

August 11-16, 2024 


Deadline for Applications 

Selection and Interviews 

Due Diligence and Contracting


Selection Process: 

  1. Complete the full proposal and budget. 
  2. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for potential interviews. 3. Due diligence and documentation review. 
  3. Budget review.
  4. Contracting process. 


Are you a cultural organization or a coalition of CSOs? We are looking for  interested organizations, groups, or individuals to apply for the Artivism and  climate justice call. To apply, please read the following ToRs carefully. 

Hivos now has funding available for organizations in Tunisia that want to use arts  to communicate and engage audiences in climate justice and climate change,  particularly in relation to natural resources, economic development, and more.  Special attention will be given to underrepresented groups, urban poor, rural  communities, people with disabilities, and all other marginalized people. 

Hivos welcomes applications from cultural organizations and coalitions who  works in hosting artistic residencies, festivals and any cultural events focusing on  climate justice, producing communication materials and audio-visual, written  pieces, comic strips, videos, infographics, songs, and other creative products. 

Hivos aims to bring culture and artivism together to advocate and raise voices  using creative and inspiring tools and products that could influence the wider  public and decision-makers. 

Eligible Applicants 

  • National and local organizations operating in Tunisia. 
  • Formal and informal CSOs, CBOs, FBOs, grassroots organizations, local  climate action champions established in Tunisia, and individuals allied to  existing networks. 
  • Applicants and partners must have been established for at least three fiscal  years by the deadline for submission of project proposals. 

Areas of Support and Eligible Intervention 

  • Project activities must be implemented in Tunisia, particularly in rural and  urban poor and vulnerable areas (coastal, forest, oasis, etc.), and have strong  linkages with specific groups mentioned in the Description section. 
  • Applicants and partners shall submit only one project proposal under this  Call. 
  • The planned duration of a project must be between Two months and 10  weeks  

Eligible Interventions: 

  • Develop and produce materials on climate justice, related to water, energy,  food sovereignty, and access to natural resources.
  • Organize artistic residencies and cultural events such as festivals to  influence decision-makers and contribute to raising the voices of  underrepresented groups. 
  • Develop digital tools and platforms for sensitizing the wider public about  climate rights and equity. 

General Rules 

  • Individual applicants could apply with legal entities (CSOs, national NGOs,  other organizations under the CSOs national law). 
  • The proposals must be written in English. 
  • All proposals submitted after the deadline will be automatically rejected.
  •  All kinds of consortiums and unusual alliances are very welcome. 

Proposal Requirements  

Proposal should include the following:  

  • Indicate your thematic area of interest  
  • Title of project 
  • A brief description of your organization or coalition and why you are well suited  to carry out the proposed project  
  • A detailed description of the experience of your organization related to the  thematic (advocacy, stakeholders’ engagement at the local level, concrete  projects and actions related to water justice  
  • A detailed description of the proposed project including overarching goals.  Clearly explain the targeted results, and how they will be measured 
  • Identify lead organization and list coalition partners in the case of coalition,  network, consortium, and alliance applications 
  • Identify lead contact and list contact name, phone number, and email  information 
  • Amount of requested and indicative budget  

Submission Applicant(s) information 

  • Date of application 
  • List of organization(s) applying for the call and a summarized organizational  profile for each organization 
  • Name of the entity and representative that will sign the agreement if the grant is  awarded 
  • Name of the program 
  • Grant you are applying for Deadline: Application deadline is August, 5 2024  

Format of the application  

Template: kindly complete your proposal by using the template (see annex). 

Format of the application: send applications as a single PDF document

Subject line: please add the appropriate subject as follows: Art and Climate  Justice.  

Email: completed proposal should be submitted to the following email address:  grantsmena@hivos.org and cc’d to the following email addresses:  eguezzi@hivos.org , kmbarki@hivos.org and mkhelifi@hivos.org 

For further information, questions or clarifications, please contact  eguezzi@hivos.org and kmbarki@hivos.org 

Voices for Climate Action Program: 

About Hivos: 

Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values.  Together with citizens and their organizations, we aim to contribute towards just,  inclusive, and life-sustaining societies where people have equal access to  opportunities, rights, and resources. We work in partnership with others in the  Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America on three impact areas: civic rights;  gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and climate justice. Our approach is  solution-driven, and we build wider movements for change by amplifying and  connecting voices. 

Hivos works for a world where people can realize their full potential, unleashing  their ingenuity and creativity to build fair, just, and life-sustaining societies for  themselves and generations to come. Our mission is to amplify and connect  voices that promote social and environmental justice and challenge power  imbalances. We particularly empower marginalized rights holders to raise their  voices and demand freedom of choice. 

Hivos supports the development of alternative solutions to deep-seated problems  so that individuals and communities can make responsible and equitable choices  within political and economic systems that serve their needs and preserve the  planet. We connect people and organizations offering alternatives to those  looking for solutions in their fight for social and environmental justice. 

About the VCA Program: 

The Voices for Climate Action (VCA) program is a lobby and advocacy program  being implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Netherlands,  SouthSouthNorth (SSN), Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), Slum Dwellers  International (SDI), Fundación Avina, and Hivos under the Dutch Ministry of  Foreign Affairs’ five-year strategic partnership: “Power of Voices”. 

The program aims to ensure that by 2025, local civil society and underrepresented  groups will have taken on a central role as creators, facilitators, and advocates of  innovative and inclusive climate solutions. Their inclusion is crucial for effective  and lasting climate responses. The climate crisis is also a societal challenge with  ethical and human rights aspects, occurring alongside a number of inequalities 

based on gender, socioeconomic class, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexual  orientation, and age. The overall approach of the program is to work with civil  society to build widespread societal support for locally shaped climate solutions  through an inclusive and rights-based approach. 

This includes building a broad-based climate alliance at the country level,  bridging divides (urban-rural, gender, youth) that amplifies voices in new, unusual  ways. Additionally, it will influence national and global policies and financial flows  (e.g., climate finance, private sector investments) in support of these locally  shaped solutions. 

Climate Justice Approach: 

Climate change is essentially a human rights issue because of its devastating  effect on human life and rights. It exacerbates existing inequalities between rich  and poor, ethnicities, sexes, generations, and communities. It undermines  democracy and threatens the economy and development at large. The greatest  burden falls on those already in poverty and on underrepresented groups such as  Indigenous peoples, the rural and urban poor, women, and youth, although they  are the least responsible for climate change. Through a climate justice approach,  the program intends to see an expanded civic space where civil society voices, in  particular those of indigenous and/or marginalized people, are heard on climate  action. 

Overall Objective of the Program: 

The program aims to ensure that by 2025, local civil society and underrepresented  groups will have taken on a central role as creators, facilitators, and advocates of  innovative and inclusive climate solutions. 

Specific Objectives: 

  • Mutual capacity strengthening for CSOs and entrepreneurs to co-create  alternative climate solutions and connect. 
  • Knowledge system strengthening to enable inclusive and accessible  agenda setting and climate action movement through amplified  storytelling.

Call for prpposals – Art and climate justice _ VCA-2024

VCA-budget-template (4)


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