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Arte Laguna Prize Call for Artists (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


12 Décembre 2015 Il y a 9 years

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Arte Laguna Prize is an international art award, aimed at enhancing Contemporary Art. The Prize obtained a medal from the President of the Italian Republic.



Entries are still open to all artists with no restrictions of nationality or age in the sections: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art, performance, virtual and digital art, land art.

An international jury will select 120 artists for the collective exhibition at the Arsenale of Venice. The artists can win:

  • 6 cash prizes of € 7.000 each 
  • 4 exhibitions at international Art Galleries
  • 2 collaborations with Companies
  • 7 Art Residencies
  • participation to 3 International Festivals 
  • insertion in the official catalogue



Bank transfer

BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA – FIL.2623 Mogliano Veneto, Via C. Gris 20
IBAN: IT 18 Q 01030 61800 000000866478 – BIC / BC NR / SWIFT: PASCITM1V19 addressed to Cultural Association MoCA, with the reason “Application Prize 15.16 – name, surname and telephone number of the artist”.
We do not accept any transfer fee charges, on penalty of the cancellation of your registration.

Bank transfer

POSTE ITALIANE – FIL. Mogliano Veneto, Via 4 Novembre 14/C
IBAN: IT38F0760112000000080409584 – BIC / BC NR / SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX
addressed to Cultural Association MoCA, with the reason “Application Prize 15.16 – name, surname and telephone number of the artist”.
We do not accept any transfer fee charges, on penalty of the cancellation of your registration.

On-line with credit card

PAY PAL http://www.premioartelaguna.it/pagamento_online.php
It is mandatory to specify the name of the owner of the credit card in the application form if the owner is not the artist.

Western Union

Addressed to: Name: Beatrice – Surname: Susa – Address: Mogliano Veneto (TREVISO) – Country: Italy
We do not accept any transfer fee charges, on penalty of the cancellation of your registration. It is mandatory to specify the transaction code in the application form.

In any case we don’t accept debit transfer of costs, if happens we will cancell your registration.
We can’t accept cheque

More details here

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 26 November 2015

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