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Appel à projets – Ambassade des Etats Unis en Tunisie Retour vers les opportunités

Ambassade des Etats-Unis en Tunisie

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20 Juillet 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits de l’Homme et 2 autre(s) domaines

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): University Clubs Leadership 



The U.S. Embassy in Tunisia is currently accepting applications for a $500,000 local grant funding opportunity. This initiative aims to support university students in developing their leadership skills and fostering community engagement through university clubs. 

The project has two main objectives: 

  • Objective 1: Universities facilitate the creation of clubs and encourage students to play a central role in the financial and administrative management of them.
  • Objective 2: Student clubs foster social activism, civic responsibility, and the revitalization of principles and practices that enable a strong, healthy, and productive political climate for all. 


Local civil society organizations, non-profit organizations, community groups, non-governmental organizations, professional associations, private sector organizations, and universities registered in the official gazette of the Tunisian government and headquartered in Tunisia are eligible to apply. 


For any questions regarding this funding opportunity, please send an email to nea-grants@state.gov. Please note that all questions must be submitted in writing by June 20. We will make sure to answer all your questions and post the answers at grants.gov as well as the Embassy Facebook page.  


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