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Appel aux jeunes : participez au Forum Mondial de l’Alliance des Civilisations à Bali (en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


30 Juin 2014 Il y a 11 ans

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The 6th Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations will take place in Bali, Indonesia, on 29 and 30 August 2014. The theme of the Forum will be “Unity in Diversity: Celebrating Diversity for Common and Shared Values”.

This Forum will bring together participants including youth, political and corporate leaders, civil society activists, representatives of faith communities, journalists, etc. to work together and agree on joint actions to improve relations across cultures and religions and build a lasting peace.

A total of 100 youth from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds and with outstanding track records in intercultural dialogue and youth work will be selected as participants of the Youth Event which will take place on 28 August 2014. A total of 40 places will be allocated to international participants and 60 places will be allocated to Indonesian participants.

The topic of the Youth Event will focus on “The Role of Youth in Promoting “Unity in Diversity” through Education, Media, and Migration”. Participants selected for the Youth Event will join other participants to the 6th UNAOC Forum on 29 and 30 August 2014.

The Youth Event will be output-oriented and will focus on collective reflection rather than on presentations of individual projects implemented by youth organizations at the event. In addition, it will help youth establish contacts, actively exchange and explore how they can collaborate together, before and after the Forum. Youth will be invited to multiply the results of the Youth Event and the Forum after they return home. The tentative program of the Youth Event and the 6th UNAOC Forum will be available on-line in July 2014.

The Indonesian government is offering some support for the 100 youth representatives wishing to attend the UNAOC Forum in Bali.  More details below.

  • For international participants:

Covered by host: International airfare (round trip ticket, departure from the capital only, economy class, most direct route, no changes on route or dates possible), accommodation (shared accommodation with other participants of the same gender), local meals on 28, 29 and 30 August 2014,as well as local transportation (shuttle bus).

Covered by participants: Transportation to and from the capital airport in the country of residence is to be covered by the participants. Participants are also responsible for obtaining necessary visas for Indonesia as well as transit visas. Participants will need to cover all visa related costs (fees, pictures, mailing, local transportation needed to obtain any of these visas). Participants must obtain their own travel and medical insurance for their stay in Bali. Participants also need to possess adequate money for incidental expenses such as phone calls, meals outside of the Forum venue, souvenirs, taxis, etc.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Age: applicants are between the ages of 18 years old and 30 years old at the time of the Youth Event
  • Organization: applicants are members of non-government and non-for-profit youth-led organizations (organizations led by youth for the benefit of youth), or have experience in youth activities. Mandate of the youth organization or youth activities is related to the UNAOC’s objectives
  • English: applicants have a good command of English is required to take part in the 6th UNAOC Youth Event and Forum.
  • Interest: Applicant is highly motivated to attend and will substantively contribute to the Youth Event, as well as to the 6th UNAOC Forum (35 points);
  • Exposure: The applicant has shown past experience related to the UNAOC issues/focusing on cross-cultural dialogue (30 points);
  • Impact: The applicant and his/her organization have the capacity to disseminate the results of the 6th UNAOC Forum back to the youth community (e.g. access to a large network of youth or youth organizations at a local level) (35 points);

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