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Appel d’Offres – USAID Retour vers les opportunités


20 Janvier 2024 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Procurement Description:


The USAID Power Tunisia Program (Power Tunisia (PT)), implemented by Deloitte Consulting Overseas Projects (DCOP), aims to enhance Tunisia’s energy security and resilience by providing technical assistance and facilitating investment funding for clean energy technologies. The program focuses on three core objectives:

  • Increased clean energy generation capacity.
  • Reduced energy demand and consumption.
  • Lower CO2 emissions.



The USAID Power Tunisia Program is seeking an Accounting, Payroll, and Tax services for the Power Tunisia Activity. The procurement is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is subject to all applicable Federal Rules and Regulations and Provisions. 


Service: Accounting, Payroll, and Tax services

Period of Performance: 12 months (starting from March 2024)


Description of tasks, requirements, and specification:

Accounting :

  • Deliver all appropriate accounting reports to Tunisian Government
  • Specify each report and in Quote as well as the government division it will be delivered to,
  • Update mandatory Tunisia legal bookkeeping system with Tunisian Government,
  • Monthly Back-up documentation for project
  • Clear the VAT PO book and submit quarterly clearance report to the tax administration office, 
  • Request renewal of the VAT PO book, 
  • Preparing the DC to be submitted by Power Tunisia representative to the tax administration.
  • Yearly Financial statements submission to government and receipt
  • Yearly declaration, 
  • Maintain year-end working papers and assist staff and auditors by preparing schedules and any other duties deemed necessary for an annual external audit,
  • Assure reconciliation of all company bank accounts, 
  • Assure the post all cash receipt and disbursement transactions to books of original entry maintained by contractor,

Tax Services: 

  • Generate payroll and social paperwork,
  • Generate social security CNSS declaration,
  • Generate Social and tax declaration,
  • Monthly filling preparation and submission to the tax administration (12 reports),
  • Quarterly tax filling preparation and submission to the tax administration, 
  • Annual Taxes and corporate tax calculation,
  • Annual employer declaration, 
  • Preparing withholding tax attestation, 
  • Preparing VAT suspension purchase documents, 
  • Submit VAT suspension documents, 
  • Respond to any tax matter,
  • Give alert and insight for any tax law changes,
  • Give needed tax advice, 
  • Submission of tax and social security filings and reports, 


Social Security:

  • Security files and Data, 
  • Calculating social security on Salaries, 

Billing & Payment:

  • All invoices must be submitted in Tunisian Dinar.
  • Payment will be made within 30 days upon receipt of the invoice.
  • Invoices and pay slips must be submitted to our office in Lac 2.


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