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Appel d’offres [MEDUSA] – WWF NA Retour vers les opportunités

WWF Afrique du Nord

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18 Mars 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Name and address of the contracting authority: WWF Mediterranean North Africa
Contact person: na.contact@wwfna.org
Title of the tender: Local facilitator in tourism & co-creation product
Reference number: WP4.SS.PP6.89503




Subject of the contract:
The subject of this tender is:

  • Provision of services, as indicated in the technical information in point 2 of this section

Deadline for submission of the tenders:
The deadline for submission of tenders is 15 March, 2021 until 17:00h GMT. Any tender received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.
Address and means of submission of the tenders:
The tenderers will submit their tenders using the standard submission form available in Part B of this tender dossier. The tender will be submitted in 1 (one) original. In case of e-mail submission, the tenderer may provide a scanned original. Any tenders not using the prescribed form shall be rejected by the contracting authority.
If delivery by post or courier, the tenders will be submitted in two separate envelopes:

  • Envelope one for the tenderer’s information, the tenderer’s statement and the technical offer and
  • Envelope two for the financial information.

An envelope including both envelopes will contain the following information at the external part:
Name and address of the contracting authority
Contact person
Title of the tender
Reference number
Name and address of the tenderer
If delivery by e-mail, the message will clearly indicate:
Title of the tender
Reference number
Name and address of the tenderer
The tender submission form and any supporting documentation will be provided as attachment to the e-mail.


The tenderers are required to provide services as indicated below. In the technical offer, the tenderers will indicate more details on the deliveries, referring back to the below terms of reference:
The Mediterranean (MED) region is one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, which makes tourism a key driver for socio-economic progress & a key income source for many of its countries. Faced by growing competition & a deterioration of the political & security situation in the region, the destination has demonstrated symptoms of a slowdown, which makes the recovery of the sector an economic priority. This downturn may also present an opportunity to transform the tourism model into a sustainable & competitive one, addressing current sectorial challenges as the predominance of mass seaside tourism, dependence on the European market & territorial imbalances.
The hereby proposed initiative (MEDUSA project) is led by a mix of public/private/non-governmental organizations across the region with proven track record in the tourism & business development field. MEDUSA will tackle these joint challenges via targeted & inter-related capacity building & cross-border interventions to develop & promote Adventure Tourism (AT) in the region. Between 2010 & 2014, this tourism niche grew by 195%. The MED has every opportunity to become part of this international trend, which properly managed can make tourism more sustainable, providing a strong incentive for conservation, while creating jobs & more income for local communities. These major expected changes will occur in the medium/long-term. Also, the multiplier effect will be higher in comparison to other forms of tourism. The main results of the project are cross-border routes & itineraries, in the form of new and/or improved AT products, revealing lesser-known destinations & attracting tourists throughout the year. A long-term (LT) strategy is envisaged for the promotion & management of these destinations in a sustainable way with the participation of a wide array of stakeholders. The main beneficiaries are SMEs (Tourism Service Providers, Tour Operators (TOs), Travel Agencies, etc.), public authorities & the communities.
MEDUSA project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument cross-border cooperation program “Mediterranean Sea Basin” 2014-2020 (ENI CBC MED). It started on 1st September 2019 and has duration of 36 months (until 31st August 2022). It counts on an overall budget of 3,317,314 EUR, which are co-financed at a 90% rate by the ENI CBC Med program.
It includes the following project partners:

  • Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Spain) – Lead Beneficiary
  • Rene Moawad Foundation (Lebanon)
  • Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Spain)
  • Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association – JITOA (Jordan)
  • Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature – RSCN (Jordan)
  • Puglia Region – Department of tourism, economy of culture and valorization of territory (Italy)
  • WWF Mediterranean North Africa (Tunisia)

More information is available at: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/medusa
Objective, purpose and expected results
The overall objective is to support key stakeholders to develop, design, co-create, deliver, and promote adventure tourism products and meaningful experience in local level (including cross-border level).
The expert facilitator will bring together key stakeholders on a tourism product co-creation and development process. To do so, all the information generated under WP3 (mainly: Destination profile, benchmarking study of innovative practices, global market research) will be used and taken into consideration. Therefore, the workshops aims to highlighting and packaging at a local (but if possible cross-border level) a range of places and experiences using innovative and creative processes and concepts emerging in the Adventure Tourism niche, so as to attract more visitors in off season periods and to less known areas.
Concretely, he / she will deliver and implement a meaningful methodology for the workshops and the co-creation process.
The expert facilitator will be in charge to facilitate and organize workshops (Virtual or Live); lead brainstorming and support key stakeholders in product co-creation process by providing necessary data, tools and innovative ideas.
The expected deliverables are:

  • Detailed Action Plan methodology: to explain and design the steps to be implemented to conduct co-creation process, deliver and promote new products and meaningful experience in adventure tourism including marketing & communication tools, best practices in packaging and product promotion. The agenda of the four workshops will be also attached to the action plan (the workshops are encouraged to be carried out virtually in order to not expose neither stakeholder and partners to the risk of COVID-19, the facilitator should provide a flexible agenda).
  • Four workshops executed (Virtual or Live): to design and implement 4 co-creation& participatory workshops addressed to the above-mentioned local and regional stakeholders, in the pilot areas selected in each country. The content and materials used for the workshops should be well-structured, clearly and visually presented. The workshops will target local stakeholders in each territory (preferably one workshop per territory)
  • Four reports of workshops: those reports will collect the main ideas and prototypes generated during each workshop.
  • Networks between key stakeholders in local and regional level: to help adventure tourism key stakeholders in establishing informal or formal networks aiming to promote, strengthen learning and exchange best practices & experience.

In specific, the purpose is as follows:

  • To elaborate an Action Plan and methodology for the workshops in order to explain and design the steps to be implemented to conduct co-creation process, deliver and promote new products and meaningful experience in adventure tourism including marketing & communication tools, best practices in packaging and product promotion. The agenda of workshops should include training and capacity building sessions about marketing and promotion of tourism products;
  • To implement and facilitate four workshops with the partners of the MEDUSA project and the key stakeholders of each destination selected (pilot areas).

The results to be achieved by the Consultant are:

  • RESULT Nº1: design and execution of 4 co-creation workshops in each MEDUSA country.
  • Result N°2:4 reports collected the main ideas and prototypes generated during each workshop (co-creation products and experiences)
  • Result N°3: Informal networks between key stakeholders in local and regional level
  • Result N°4:present the outcomes of the workshops the Mediterranean Business event on Tourism Product Co-creation at Cross-Border level

Description of the assignment
The Consultants’ service is expected to facilitate and conduct (with an inclusive and participatory approach)

  • To design 4 co-creation workshops (Virtual or live) addressed to the above-mentioned local and regional stakeholders, in the pilot areas selected in each country. The content and materials used for the workshops should be well-structured, clearly and visually presented. If the workshops will be organized virtually, the content and materials should be adapted to the online context (platform, interactive sessions, working rooms, etc…). Co-creation workshops should be participatory. In addition, the facilitation of workshops should include dynamics where participants are encouraged to get to know and interact between them. It is suggested the presentation of case studies too, and the opportunity of the sub-granting mechanism offered by MEDUSA project. The workshops will be carried out in the local/national language of each pilot area/country. Nonetheless, the reports of each workshop will be presented in English.
  • To adapt the workshop to the reality of each pilot area when necessary, presenting inspiring experiences adopted by the administration and the private sector, as well as protected natural areas as areas of excellence for sustainable tourism, adventure and nature. A national workshop where local stakeholders (providers) are able to exchange and network is highly recommended.
  • To introduce and encourage cooperation between organizations and agents as a key strategic factor for the development of local tourism.
  • To coordinate with the partners in each country for the proper execution of the workshops.

Specific work
The Consultant’s services will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

To achieve RESULT Nº1:

  1. To identify with the MEDUSA partner the list of key stakeholders
  2. To develop the framework, agenda and action plan for the workshops (taken into consideration COVID-19 and the possibility of not having Physical workshops.
  3. To develop and prepare workshops materials including dynamic tools, exercises and specific games.  The content should be adapted to the specificity of the workshop (if Virtual or live). This means that the facilitator should develop an interactive exercise and sessions accordingly with the nature of the workshop and the participants as well.
  4. To ensure a dynamic and active participation of the participants during workshops
  5. Work together with partners of the project.
  6. To organize and facilitate four workshops (COVID-19 context should be taken into consideration) with the support of MEDUSA partner.

To achieve RESULT Nº2:

  1. To collect and analyze feedback and brainstorming of the participants
  2. To elaborate and deliver one report per workshop including main idea and prototypes generated (four reports in total)
  3. To share reports elaborated with participants before establishing final versions

Informal networks between key stakeholders in local and regional level
To achieve RESULT Nº3:

  1. To support key stakeholders in establishing informal groups and networks in a local and regional level by facilitating collaboration and building professional relationships
  2. To ensure a good mood and spirit during workshops and conduct and participatory approach
  3. To present regional experiences and similar networks specialized in adventure tourism

present the outcomes of the workshops the Mediterranean Business event on Tourism Product Co-creation at Cross-Border level
To achieve RESULT Nº4:

1.       To prepare PPT presentation with a specific focus on the methodology and key outcomes of the workshops.

  1. To attend the Mediterranean Business event on Tourism Product Co-creation at Cross-Border level (online event)
  2. To present the main outcomes of the co-creation product workshops (the presentation will be in English)

In addition, the Consultants will:

  1. Prepare all the reports as specified under the section on ‘’Reporting requirements’’.

In undertaking the tasks described under this section, the Consultants must comply with the latest Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions concerning acknowledgement of EU financing of the project. See https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/communication-and-visibility-manual-eu-external-actions_en.
Start date and period of implementation of the tasks
The intended start date is 1stMarch, 2021, until 31st of March 2021. The facilitator will present the outcomes of the workshops during the Mediterranean Business event on Tourism Product Co-creation at Cross-Border level (the date will be communicated later).
Duration of the work:
12 working days: from 1st March to 31 March 2021. In addition to the participation and presentation of the outcomes during the Mediterranean Business event on Tourism Product Co-creation at Cross-Border level (online event).
Reporting requirements
The contractor will submit the following reports in Electronic format:
·     An Action Plan and methodology, containing detailed methodology and work plan to be applied, of maximum 10 pages to be produced and presented before the organization of the first workshop with the key stakeholders. The contractor shall describe the updated organisation and methodology proposed according to the technical offer. The contractor should precede with his/her work unless the contracting authority sends comments on the inception report. At the end of the project, it will be added to the (local) Action Plan an annex with the list of the meetings and other activities carried out in each destination selected (including agendas, minutes, and other evidences).
·     Draft of the Final Reports: Those reports (Four reports) shall be submitted no later than two weeks before the end of the period of implementation of tasks. Preferably, each workshop report will be prepared and shared after the workshop implementation. Reports will include main ideas, prototype generated and meaningful experiences.
·     Final reports with the same specifications as the draft final report, incorporating any comments received from the parties on the draft report. The deadline for sending the final report is 7 days after receipt of comments on the draft final reports. Reports shall contain a sufficiently detailed description of the different steps (guidebook) to support local key stakeholders in co-creation products and meaningful experiences. The final report must be provided along with the corresponding invoice.
Special requirements

The contractor should place a special emphasis on how adventure tourism providers & SMEs and public actors could develop, design, co-create, deliver, and promote adventure tourism products and meaningful experience for in a local level and preferably cross-border, this new products and experiences will take into consideration as crucial element the COVID-19 crisis by developing alternative and adequate plans.

The Contractor must ensure that adequate visibility of the EU under the programme of which the project is part through its implementation.


The maximum available value of the contract is 3000 euro as a gross amount (all taxes included): the exchange rate is followed the payment transfer received from the ENI CBC Program.


All rights of copyright concerning the material produced by consultant will remain the property of the partner and can only be used by the expert with appropriate attribution by the project partnership.


Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. Payments will be issued upon certification of partner Programme Manager following the contract.
The amount includes all taxes and all withholding tax. The schedule of payment and the amount of payment will be upon, presentation of the deliverable and validation by the project officer and after receiving an invoice duly signed by the consultant with the stamp of the consultant or the consultancy firm


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Economic and financial standing:
  • The operating profit of the candidate must not have been negative over the past year;
  • The candidate must have at least one year of existence.
  • Experts from state function should present the legal authorization.
  • Technical Capacity:
  • At least 1 contract of similar nature undertaken in the past 3years;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in sustainable adventure tourism (international experience will be an asset)
  • Excellent knowledge in packaging and product conception in adventure tourism
  • Excellent knowledge in tourism product marketing, communications and promotional campaigns
  • Excellent skills in facilitation of tourism workshops, design thinking, groups dynamization, conflict management etc.
  • Good knowledge of international adventure tourism market and innovative practices
  • Excellent skills in facilitating meetings & workshops, dialogue and building strategies

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Appel d’offres Publié sur Jamaity le 8 mars 2021

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