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Appel d’offre : Supply of 2 laptops Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel d’offres


10 Novembre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Submission of Bid

You must submit one original of the RFQ Bid Form in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the RFQ number and the Bidders name. The bid can be delivered directly to the tender box, mailed or delivered by courier services, or alternatively send by email to the following dedicated, secure & controlled email address rfq.lby.tun@drc.ngo 



The sealed envelope must be deposited into the DRC Tender Box at the address stated on page one before the RFQ Closing Date and Time. It is the Bidders responsibility to ensure that the sealed envelope is deposited into the Tender Box.


Any Bids not received on the official DRC Bid Form, or in a sealed envelope may be disqualified for non-compliance with these RFQ Instructions.


All Bids received in pencil will be disqualified.



All Bids must include all customs and taxes payable in the country of delivery unless the RFQ specifically requests a Bid is other than DDP (INCOTERMS 2020).


All Bids must be in the currency stated on the RFQ Bid Form. Bids in any other currency may be disqualified.


DRC reserves the right to correct any incorrect calculations on the Bid Form.


Validity of Offer

Your Bid must be valid for the ‘Bid Validity Period as stated on the Bid Form. Bids not meeting the Bid Validity Period may be disqualified. DRC will attempt to notify all suppliers of the outcome of their Quotations by 03/8/2021 


Evaluation of Bids

All Bids received and accepted will be evaluated on a ‘line item’ basis as follows:


  • Administrative Evaluation: Evaluated to ensure compliance with all the RFQ requirements and to ensure that all Bids and calculations are readable and acceptable.


  • Technical Evaluation: All Bids received will undergo a Technical Evaluation based on ‘best value for money’. Bids that comply with the requested items, specifications, and delivery conditions will be classed as ‘responsive’ (acceptable). Only Bids classed as ‘responsive’ (acceptable) will progress onto the ‘Financial Evaluation’. ‘Non-responsive’ bids (not-acceptable Bids) will no longer be under consideration at this stage.


  • Financial Evaluation: All ‘Responsive’ Bids will undergo a Financial Evaluation


Contract Award

Under the ‘best value for money’ principle, DRC will award the contract(s) (DRC Purchase Requisition or Service Contract) to the ‘lowest responsive bid’ except where other considerations are warranted. These other considerations can be – total cost of ownership; cost of on-going consumables; price vs warranty; quality vs price.


RFQ Enquires

All enquires and questions should be addressed to the email given in the RFQ Detail’s section! All Q&A’s will be shared with all invited suppliers.

Under DRC’s Anticorruption Policy, Bidders shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. DRC will reject a Bid if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, the Contract. 

Annex A RFQ Tender

Annex B General Conditions of Contract (Standard)

Annex C Supplier Profile and Registration Form (Standard – Template)

Annex D Supplier Code of Conduct (Standard)

Annex E Technical Data sheet for IT PC

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Appel d’offres Publié sur Jamaity le 26 September 2021

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