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Appel d’offre – Save the Child Retour vers les opportunités

Save the children-North Africa

Lance   Appel à consultants


10 Juillet 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droit de l'enfant


Save the Children is implementing a 12 month project entitled: “Enhance Child Protection services for migrant and refugee children in Libya and Tunisia”, which started in February 2020. The project focuses on child protection capacity strengthening for civil society actors working with migrant and refugee children in Libya and Tunisia. The Child Protection capacity strengthening project is funded by the European Union under the Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP).

The project focuses on addressing Refugee, IDP and migrant children’s protection needs, and aims to enhance child protection actors’ capacities to deliver quality services to children and to improve  national systems and coordination mechanisms through multiple capacity building initiatives, focusing on Case Management, Psychological First Aid, Child Safe Guarding and Safe Programming. 

For Tunisia, Save the Children will support national systems and coordination mechanisms to better address individual refugee and migrant children’s protection needs by supporting the mapping of child protection agencies and service providers in the country. The mapping will provide a basis for delineating referral pathways for migrant and refugee children in Tunisia across key locations where the majority of these children are residing or transiting.  

Specific Objective: Refugees, IDP and migrant children’s protection needs are effectively addressed by child protection actors in Libya and Tunisia.

For Tunisia, a mapping of child protection services and setting up child protection referral pathways will be undertaken under:

Output 2: National systems and coordination mechanisms in Tunisia are improved to better serve child protection needs.


  • Activity 2.1 Conduct mapping of child protection services
  • Activity 2.2 Support child protection actors and actors providing services to child migrants, refugees and IDPs in setting up child protection referral pathways.
  • Activity 2.3 Support coordination among stakeholders to facilitate their effective collaboration.


2-Rationale and Purpose of the Assignment

The North Africa (NA) region is characterized as an area of transit, destination and departure for mixed migration flows from West Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. Child refugees and migrants and their families who traverse North Africa are vulnerable to exploitation, violence and abuse. The capacity to accommodate the population and provide protection and basic social services either for those in transit or for those whose journeys are halted along the way, is increasingly strained. 

Two humanitarian task forces exist to ensure national coordination and services for migrant and refugee children in Tunisia, but there is no dedicated child protection working group that meets regularly to coordinate efforts across actors, and gaps still exist in mapping of child protection services and referral pathways. To support national systems and coordination mechanisms in Tunisia to effectively and strategically respond to the protection needs of the targeted population, Save the Children will conduct a child protection service mapping, which will inform  the design and updating of referral pathways for migrant and refugee children in various locations of Tunisia.

The Service Mapping will provide an assessment of the case management system; examine quality of key support services and identify protection services for migrant and refugee children and their families in key locations:  Sfax, Medenine, Greater Tunis and Sousse; where the majority of refugee and migrant children reside in Tunisia. The Service Mapping will serve to identify both available services and  gaps in service provision; it will also highlight barriers preventing vulnerable migrant and refugee children from accessing available services.  This analysis will consider factors that contribute to and compound the effects of protection related gaps and integrate cross cutting issues including but not limited to sex, age, disability and minority status. 

Referral Pathways will forumulate multi-sectoral referral pathwaysError! Bookmark not defined. for child protection case management  services for migrant and refugee children; the pathways will chart the procedures and agreements among actors for referrals and counter-referrals, and will specify individual agencies’ roles and responsibilities in regard to prevention and response to child protection risks for individual children. It will consider the extent to which multi-sectoral services and supports are accessible to all migrant and refugee children in the various locations in Tunisia and are safe, child-friendly, inclusive and gender and age sensitive. The Referral Pathways must align with and compliment the national Tunisian Child Protection System and articulate appropriate linkages with it.

3.1 Service Mapping  

The Service Mapping comprises three distinct components as follow.

  1. Case Management System Analysis
  1. A documented analysis outlining strengths and weaknesses in the case management (CM) process   available to migrant and refugee children.  
  2. This analysis will be based on the Case management quality assessment framework. (cf.: Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action).  
  3. Describe governmental  agencies and their functions as well community-based structures and their CM roles and the roles and services of national and international organizations .
  4. Describe physical, structural and attitudinal barriers such as gender and age norms, discriminatory practices and power dynamics that may pose barriers to access for children. 
  5. Give recommendations on how child protection case management can be improved; compiling and documenting stakeholders’ (service providers and targeted users) suggestions for improving child protection case management service provision.
  6. Updated service map with accurate information about the services and supports available to migrant children.
  1. Service and resource mapping
  1. Identify, list and provide key information on multisectoral case management and protection services which are available to or intended to serve children on the move.  
  2. Produce updated service maps with accurate information about the services and supports available.
  1. Quality of service assessment
  2. Assess quality of critical support services in reference to standard quality benchmarks to ensure they are safe, child friendly, gender sensitive and inclusive.  The relevant services (10-15) will be identified by SC and partners.

3.2. Referral Pathways 

Referral Pathways will chart multisectoral supports and services and connections between them, showing how an individual child can access relevant assistance.  The following considerations will be taken into account in design of the pathways. 

    1. The Referral Pathways will build on existing mappings and results of the service and resource mapping.  They will be coherent with existing Standard Operating Procedures for unaccompanied and separated children, as designed by IOM and the UNHCR. 
    2. The Referral Pathways must be as specific as possible and include focal points and contact details within each designated service provider in Sfax, Medenine, Greater Tunis and Sousse. 


  • The design process will provide opportunity to identify needs for strengthening interagency collaboration on referral systems and geographic coverage and capacity building; this will include needs for Referral Mechanisms and procedures and Information Sharing Protocols.


3.3. Cross Cutting Issues 

The following cross-cutting issues should be taken into account in both the Service Mapping and in the Referral Pathways.

  • Gender: Findings and analysis should report separately for boys and girls.
    • Age: Findings should distinguish the needs and services specific to adolescents 13-18, children 7-12, children 0 – 6. (nb. Findings should report on service delivery practices with regard to services specific to age groups)
  • Nondiscrimination: individual and social characteristics are associated with difficulties in accessing appropriate services.
  • Inclusivity:  findings should consider the extent to which services and referral pathways are inclusive of girls, boys and caregivers with disabilities and impairments. 
  • Legal status and access to legal information and services.
  • Information and data management and sharing.


3.4. Key Child Protection areas of concern

Mapping of existing services and development of referral pathways will take into account the following protection needs related to migrant and refugee children in Tunisia.

    • Mental health and distress.
    • Health and safety.  
    • Conflict with law.
    • Trafficking.
    • Alternative care.
    • Exposure to the six grave violations against children during armed conflict.
    • SGBV related protection risks; early and forced marriage, domestic violence, rape and sexual violence, trafficking/ prostitution and exchanging sex for survival/ services.
    • Unaccompanied and separated children (UASC).
    • Access to education and recreational activities.
    • Child work and labor.


  • Violence (physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, cultural, neglect) against children at home, in schools and in the wider community.


    • Integration in the community, economic/ social hardship and coping mechanisms.
    • Access to education, vocational and livelihood opportunities.


  • Violence and crime from/ between host community and migrants/ refugees.
  • Documentation.
  • Family and caregiver support.



4-Scope of the Assignment and methodology

4.1. Scope

The contracted consultant will be undertaking the following tasks in consultation with Save the Children Child Protection Senior Advisor and the partner organizations:

  • Conduct a desk review on the context and implementation sites, covering, but not limited to the key documents or references provided by SCI.
  • Design and finalize the methodology and sampling strategy for the Service mapping and development of Referral Pathways..
  • Contextualise/adapt as relevant standard, child friendly and conflict, cultural and gender and age sensitive tools,  provided by Save the Children such as:
  • Template for the Referral Pathways
  • Focus Group Discussion and Key informant questionnaires on relevant topics.
  • Consent form templates for all participants. 
  • Conduct primary data collection in the targeted implementation sites and in meetings with Government and Partner organizations.
  • Clean, analyse, and triangulate the data collected.
  • The contracted consultant is required to inform Child Protection agencies on the sites about all identified vulnerabilities to be refered to relevant actors. 

4.2. Methodology

The detailed methodology should be designed by consultant and agreed with Save the Children.  It will draw on tools and methodologies developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Save the Children.

The process will be participatory and should ensure that Government representatives, Partner organizations and their protection networks are proactively involved in the process. The methodology must be designed to ensure that voices of children and youths are heard, and their participation is child friendly and inclusive i.e. there is a clear focus on reaching and empowering the most deprived migrant and refugee children and their communities to ensure that they are part of the findings and analysis. 

Concerning information collection, mixed-methods should be employed to enable child participation and be conflict- and gender sensitive. 

Sources of primary and secondary data collection: 

  • A literature review of available secondary sources on the context and implementation sites (reports, studies and assessments published by UNICEF, IOM, UNHCDR, SCI REACH and others).
  • Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) will be held with relevant stakeholders who are engaged in policymaking and implementation of protection related activities in the selected locations (including government officials, NGOs, INGOs etc.). 
  • KII will also be held with girls and boys, woman and men from the communities of refugees and migrants.
  • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) will be held with migrants and refugees and host communities in the selected research locations. 

Data collection and analysis will meet the principles of ethical research.  Respondents must provide informed consent and be informed of how to make a complaint or comment regarding any aspect of the mapping and referral pathway development.  Data collection and analysis should allow for confidentiality and anonymity.  Data collectors will be trained on how to how to identify and respond appropriately to situations of concern they might encounter.

5-Organisation, roles and responsibilities

The assignment is commissioned by Save the Children in Tunisia.  The procurement policy of Save the Children – MEEERO will be applied and the contract will be signed by Regional office.  

The consultant will be based partially in Tunis with frequent field visits and partly be homebased. The Consultant will be responsible for the deliverables outlined below. 

A review team led by the Child Protection Senior Advisor in Tunis and including Child Protection experts from UNHCR and IOM will be responsible for review and feedback to the assessment methodology and final products. The Humanitarian Representative will conduct the final sign-off of the deliverables.

6-OUTPUTS/ Deliverables

In accordance with the scope of work, key deliverables will include, but not be limited to:

  • Draft inception plan within the first two weeks of assignment, which present the methodology to be applied in the case management system analysis, service mapping and quality of service  assessment, including targeted participants, proposed report structure, detailed planning, and child friendly and participatory tools for the key-informant interviews and focus group discussions. The inception report should summarise and cover findings of the desk/literature review.
  • Draft report on the Case Management System Analysis, outlining primary results and preliminary analysis. This should incorporate review team feedback and be submitted within two weeks from the submission of the inception report.
  • It is expected to submit cleaned and validated raw data.
  • Service Mapping report which is clearly structured and documents the findings, analysis and recommendations. The final report should address the comments received from the review team and be submitted within one week after receiving feedback.
  • Quality of service assessment within six weeks of commencing the assignment.
  • Drafted Referral Pathways within six weeks of commencing the assignment.
  • One validation workshop per key location with Partners on the results of the service mapping and Referral Pathways.
  • The service mapping report and the referral pathways will be revised on the basis of validation workshop results within two weeks of the workshops.
  • Specific dissemination materials including presentation of the findings that can be shared with different stakeholders, including government officials and representatives of the affected community.  
  • Final, validated and user-friendly Referral Pathways, including a visual chart for service providers and visual child-friendly information.

SCI will undertake on-site and/or off-site oversight as deemed necessary and deliverables will be subject to approval.


The work will be concluded in a period of 30 consultancy days within a period of no more than 60 days. The consultant will partially be based in Tunis with frequent field visits and partly be homebased. Detailed timeline and methodology will be discussed and agreed on with the candidate.

8-Instructions for bidding

8.1 General Information  

      1. These instructions are issued to ensure that all received proposals are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that Bidders provide all information asked for in the format and order specified in these instructions.  
      2. Proposals must be submitted in accordance with these instructions and, save as may be allowed elsewhere in the issued document, without alterations or qualifications.
      3. Proposals that do not comply with any mandatory requirement (i.e. where the words “shall” or “must” are used) will be rejected.
      4. This Invitation to Bid does not constitute an offer and Save the Children does not bind itself to accept any Bid. SC reserves the right to accept a Bid in part, rather than in full. 


8.2 Confidential Nature of Bid Documentation

      1. Documentation in relation to this Invitation to Bid and any Bidder received by SC in response to it shall be treated as private and confidential save where the disclosure is required by law.
      2. Bidders shall not:
  • Release any information relating to the Invitation and the Bidder that they intend to make; other than with professional advisers who need to be consulted with regards to the preparation of the Bid;
  • Canvass directly or indirectly with any other Bidder concerning the award of a Contract or who has directly or indirectly obtained, or attempted to obtain information;
  • Canvass directly or indirectly with a member of SC staff (including its consultants and contractors) concerning the award of the contract or who has directly or indirectly obtained or attempted to obtain information from the said individuals.
      1. If a Bidder does not observe paragraphs 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 above, SC will reject their bid and may decide not to invite the Bidder to bid for future work.


8.3 Contract Award/Acceptance of Proposal

      1. The formal contract agreement will be in a form prepared by SC.  

Bidders Response

General Company Information

Please complete the following table:

9-Bidder Response Cost Proposal

This document sets out the schedule of prices that bidders are required to provide and should be read in conjunction with all the other Request for Proposal documents. The prices and rates quoted shall be the fully inclusive value of the goods and services, excluding VAT, including all costs and expenses which may be required to provide the complete goods and services together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations, set out or implied, necessary to comply with the conditions of Proposal, the conditions of Contract, the Specification, all Schedules and Appendices thereto.

      • All prices should be in USD 
      • Please provide your proposed costs in the below table. 
      • In order for bids to be compared bidders must follow the format below. Additional rows and columns may be added where necessary, although bidders should ensure any calculations are amended accordingly.
      • Additional pricing breakdowns may be appended in support of quoted costs. You should ensure these are clearly indexed. Any bids not submitted in the prescribed form may result in the bid being rejected.
      • Expenses agreed outside of the contract value must be moderate, appropriate, justifiable and consistent with SC charitable status. (e.g.  Economy class transport, modestly priced suitable guest houses/hotels and simple, low-cost meals).
      • If there any additional costs that SC may be liable for that you have set out below, please provide further details.
      • Please confirm whether you are able to offer fixed and firm pricing for the duration of the contract.
      • Payment terms are in arrears within 30 days of invoice submission by wire transfer. 





Please provide your proposed costs in the table below*

* minimum of 7 hours per day

10.2Other costs: 



If there are any further costs or expenses that you propose charging, please detail these below together with an explanation. 

11.Selection Criteria 

Submissions will be evaluated in consideration of the Evaluation Criteria as stated below:

The offer will be evaluated by using the Best value for money approach (combined scoring method). Technical proposal will be evaluated on 70% whereas the financial one will be evaluated on 30%.

Below is the breakdown of technical and financial proposal on 100%.

Criteria  Weight Max. Point
Law, Social Sciences, Development Studies or any other related area of study 5%  5
Extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of (mixed) migration locally, regionally and globally; experience on child protection programming is essential.  30% 30
Overall proposed approach, including work plan 25% 25
Proven competence (based on prior experience of leading and reporting on similar activities) to undertake this task 10% 10
Financial offer 30% 30


Particular requirement: No person performing any task for or on behalf of Save the Children must in any way be involved or associated with the abuse or exploitation of children as described in the Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • University degree in a relevant field (i.e. social sciences, social work, psychology)
  • University degree in a relevant field (i.e. social sciences, social work, psychology)
  • previous experience on conducting need assessment and context analysis.
  • Familiarity with case management process and practices
  • Previous experience in communication with and coordination of a large number of key stakeholders
  • Previous experience of work in the migration and the protection sector in Tunisia.
  • Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy.
  • Previous experience on conducting need assessment and context analysis
  • Previous experience in communication with and coordination of a large number of key stakeholders.
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills – with proven authorship of reports.
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and Arabic.
  • Desirable:
  • Experience in/ knowledge of use of participatory and/or child friendly tools and methodologies.
  • Familiarity with child protection case management process and practices
  • Familiarity with Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning concepts and methodologies.
  • Strong computer skills and experience in digital data collection and management.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 1 juillet 2020

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