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Appel des Playmakers – GAME Tunisia Retour vers les opportunités


20 Décembre 2020 Il y a 4 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Loisirs et sports
GAME Tunisia is looking for volunteers for one of its important programs, Playmakers Program that is implemented with support from the Danish Arab Partnership to give opportunities to youth to lead street sports activities and culture!
The Playmaker program provides a street sports continuous education, training, and personal development tools, it also includes weekly activities and discussion circles too! If this sounds interesting to you and you want to take part in this program and lead the positive change in your community, please read the criteria and fill-up the form !
Follow our updates to know more about the next steps 🤩

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 10 December 2020

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