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Appel à consultant – DRC Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel à consultants


01 Mars 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Consultancy for:

Communication, Editing and Graphic Designing Services


The Consortium Coordination Unit on Mixed Migrations in NA & WA led by DRC is seeking the services of an experimented communication and graphic design company for the production of several items detailed below.


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is the leading agency of the Consortium Coordination Unit for the Foreign & Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) funded 3M Programme in partnership with the International Refugee Council (IRC), the Mixed Migration Center (MMC) and the Start Network. Since 2018, partners have worked along the Central Mediterranean Route (CMR) assisting vulnerable migrants through the provision of multiple activities in Mali, Niger and Libya (protection, direct assistance, shelter, health).

As the 3M programme is coming to an end, the Consortium coordination unit would like to prepare a few documents which would capture, demonstrate and reflect upon the learning, the best practices and recommendations for future programming.


The purpose of the consultancy is to support DRC – CCU in the preparation of key external documents:

  1. Design the layout and editing of a series of two-pagers focusing on specific topics: 5 documents of two pages (A4), each on a specific topic. The content will be given to the consultant. DRC expects the deliverables to be illustrated and designed to better convey key messages
  2. Produce infographics: DRC expects the production of 5 infographics that illustrate the key achievements (in figures) and general programmatic take away.
  3. Produce 1 A4 fact sheet that will be a presentation of the programme objectives and approaches. The fact sheet will need to contain a geographic map of the aeras and routes of operations. Infographics previously mentioned in point 2 could be added to the Fact sheet.


The consultant is expected to take into consideration the CCU’s objectives and should seek approval before taking important decisions that would impact the messaging of the documents.

The consultant responsibility is to take the lead and propose creative and communication sensible approaches that match with the DRC- CCU imperatives. The consultant must comply with the deadlines.


  1. Production of 2 infographics
  2. Production of 1 A4 fact sheet including 1 geographic map.
  3. Production of 5 documents of 2 A4 pages

All products should be available in English and French.


The consultant will be provided with all the necessary content and information during the kickoff meeting.

The anticipated timeline for the delivery of the three products:

  • Contract signing & kickoff meeting: DRC CCU to hand over content to the consultant March 4st
  • Deliverable 1&2: Consultant submits product 1 & 2, and draft of product 3 for DRC CCU review March 12th
  • Deliverable 3: Final submission of reviewed products (1,2,3) March 20th
  • Payment is done in full 100% at the submission of the consultancy service deliverables.


DRC will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical (60%) and financial (40%) feasibility.
DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.


For the award of this project, DRC has established evaluation criteria which govern the selection of offers received. Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis. The percentage assigned to each component is determined in advance as follows:

  • THE TECHNICAL OFFER: will be evaluated using the following criteria, and points will be allocated in the scale from 1– 10 for each of the criteria stipulated below, whereas the weighting is as follows:
    • 60% – previous experience on similar assignments
    • 30 % – quality of the portfolio
    • 10% – Assigned team consists at least a specialized graphic designer.
  • THE FINANCIAL OFFER: The total cost of the financial offer should be mentioned in the DRC Bid Form (Annex A) in TND, while the breakdown of the budget should be attached separately.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Essential :
  • Previous experience working on similar assignments is essential
  • Previous experience working with INGO and UN agencies and the humanitarian/ development sector in general
  • Flexibility and effective cooperation

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 25 février 2021

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