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Appel à propositions-subventions dédiées aux OSC-SFCG (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


11 Mai 2015 Il y a 9 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

MENA CGI is launching a call for small grants targeting civil society organizations in Tunisia and Egypt to design and implement dialogue projects on the local and national levels. The overall objective of the call is to support local organizations to implement dialogue initiatives in their communities. In order to raise acceptance of dialogue processes by local community members, civil society, media and local governments, projects should involve multiple stakeholders.

Projects funded in the framework of this call may focus on diverse topics of local importance including but not limited to peacebuilding and conflict resolution, countering violent extremism, civic participation, democratic transition, gender advocacy, sustainable development, and social entrepreneurship. Most importantly, projects should focus on promoting and enhancing the quality of dialogue while demonstrating how dialogue can be effectively used in addressing local/national issues. Proposals should highlight innovation in the promotion of dialogue and mention the indicators of the project’s success in the application form.

In addition to the financial grant, the awarded organizations in the framework of this call will receive a specialized training workshop on designing effective dialogue processes.

Grant size: 

Minimum: $ 5,000 USD

Maximum: $ 7,500 USD


 The implementation period for the project should be minimum 1 month and maximum 3 months. Project implementation should start 1 June and finish by 31 August at the latest.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Applicant organization must be a legal entity registered in Tunisia or Egypt.
  • Proposals could be for projects and initiatives to be implemented for the first time or for a pre-existing and ongoing project or initiative that matches the call’s objectives.
  • Proposals should be complete and respect the designated templates. In case of incomplete proposals, false information, or using other templates, applications will be ineligible and excluded by the MENA CGI evaluation committee.

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Appel à projets Publié sur Jamaity le 27 April 2015

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