11 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans
The Robert Carr Fund is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals 2021 to award grants for funding cycle 2022-2024.
Through this RFP, the Robert Carr Fund aims to further the aims and objectives of the Fund’s Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and to amplify the mission and vision of the Fund, while responding to the unique challenges and opportunities of this time.
The Robert Carr Fund recognizes that programming to strengthen social enablers, human rights and gender equality, as well as responses led by communities of ISPs, are complex, and require longer-term investments. Therefore, the Fund intends, in this funding cycle, to support continuity, so that well-performing existing partners can build on their achievements. At the same time, the Fund wishes to encourage applications from new, emerging networks, especially those which represent populations and regions which are current under-served in the fund portfolio.
Global and regional networks and consortia of networks, which meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP, are invited to apply for a grant to support core funding and/or activity needs of the networks and/or consortia for three years (2022-2024).
To be eligible for the 2022-2024 grant, applicants must:
Note: Networks/consortia which are not led by ISPs are also eligible. RCF recognizes that in some contexts some ISP groups experience greater challenges to ISP leadership e.g. prisoners, migrants and children. However, where ISP leadership exists, these networks will be prioritized. Furthermore, non-ISP led networks are also eligible but must demonstrate meaningful engagement of ISPs in the work of the organization.
When applying as a single network or consortium lead organization, the following entities are not eligible for funding under this Request for Proposals:
The eligibility criteria will be strictly applied.
For more information please refer to 3. Eligibility, and 4. Definitions and Further Explanations of Key Terms in the Request for Proposals.
Applications are requested for submission from 10 May 2021 till 11 July 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST.
For more information on how to submit an application, please refer to Application Submission or refer to 2. Application Submission of Request for Proposals 2021.
Funding decisions will tentatively be made public on 1 December 2021.
Prospective applicants should download and review the following documents ahead of applying:
Request for Proposals 2021 (version 1.0, 1 April 2021)
Comprehensive details on this request, including timeline, review process and supporting documentation to be submitted with your application, can be found in the full RFP 2021.
RFP 2021: Reference Application Form (version 1.0, 1 April 2021)
For reference only. Only applications submitted via the Aidsfonds Grant Platform will be considered as eligible for review.
Budget Form Template 2022-2024 (Version 1.0, 1 April 2021)
Along with their proposal, prospective applicants should submit a work plan and budget using the RCF Budget Form Template. This template is also to download via the application for proposals via the grant platform.
Prospective applicants will upload their completed RCF Budget Form under 6. Budget of the application via the Aidsfonds Grant Platform. Only applications submitted with the RCF Budget Form will be considered as eligible for review.
Any questions in regard to this Request for Proposals 2021 should be addressed to grants@robertcarrfund.org. Questions in regard to this request should be received by the RCF Secretariat no later than 30 June 2021. It may not be possible to provide an answer to questions received after this date. Technical questions in regard to the Aidsfonds grant platform will remain to be answered until the deadline for submission of request for proposals, 11 July 2021, 12:00 (noon) CEST.
Answers to questions received will be developed and published as part of RFP 2021: Q&As on a regular basis. Please find the Q&As document on the right side (dekstop) or the bottom (mobile) of this page.
The Robert Carr Fund in collaboration with UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria will be conducting a series of global and regional webinars to introduce the funding priorities and eligibility as well as other aspects of this Request for Proposals. On the Webinars page you will find further details about the webinar series, including language of presentation and how to sign-up.
[1] The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) defines the term “inadequately served populations” (ISP) as populations facing a high HIV risk, mortality and/or morbidity compared to the general population, and, at the same time, facing systematic human rights violations and barriers to information and services. As people with direct experience of key health-related needs and barriers to health services, ISPs are central to efforts to improve human rights environments, improve HIV service accessibility, and improve efficiency and effectiveness of national and international funding for health and human rights. ISPs include people living with HIV; gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men; people who use drugs; people in prisons or other closed settings; sex workers, and transgender persons. Depending on the dynamic of the HIV epidemic and the legal status of these populations, ISPs may also include women and girls, youth, migrants and people living in rural areas.
[2] The Robert Carr Fund defines “civil society networks” as regional and global networks led by and/or devoted to serving the needs of inadequately served populations in the HIV response.
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