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Appel à consultation – ACT Retour vers les opportunités

Association de coopération en Tunisie

Lance   Appel à consultants


20 Août 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Jendouba et 5 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

Evaluation ACT’s livelihood programmes for PWD



ACT (Association Cooperation in Tunisia) is an international Christian development organization, based out of Sweden, which has had operations in North Africa for over 35 years. ACT believes in a transformational approach to development and aims for a process of positive change in values, attitudes, and relationships and hopes to see people, communities, and societies move towards fullness of life with dignity, justice, peace, and hope, reflected in the social, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. Together with our local partners we aim for community development, to build the capacity of civil society, to promote employability and to advocate for social justice.

Project context

ACT has run programmes of livelihood projects for people with disabilities since 2012, funded through the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), through a MENA regional programme with Interact. These programmes have included various forms of livelihood projects – grants, internships, training workshop support – and benefitted communities in the North-West, Kasserine, Tozeur, and Medenine regions.

The purpose of the Evaluation

At the end of 2021, ACT will be closing this side of the livelihood work and is concerned with ending this period well especially as the need remains for PWD to find routes into sustainable livelihood. In recognition of the partnerships forged over these programmes, ACT would like to help its partners to reflect on the gains and challenges – for their beneficiaries and for themselves – of the livelihood programmes they have participated in, and consider alternative livelihood programmes they and their beneficiaries could participate in, in the future.

At the same time, as it is hoped that similar activities will be undertaken in the future, ACT is seeking to undertake an in-depth evaluation of its work in this area in order to inform and strengthen any future work.



  • Analyse ACT’s documentation relating to the livelihood programmes for PWD.
  • Organise and undertake a representative number of visits to ACT’s livelihood programmes partners and their beneficiaries for evaluation purposes.
  • Communicate virtually (phone/emails…) with all ACT’s livelihood programmes partners for evaluation purposes.
  • Research existing opportunities for livelihood programmes for PWD in Tunisia:
    • legal framework
    • government services
    • other NGOs/CSOs’ with livelihood programmes
  • Compile a folder of resources, in Arabic, for ACT’s partners, based on the previous point’s findings.
  • Produce a written report in French or English, to be given to ACT.
  • Present findings to ACT at a meeting with the director of projects and project managers in December (mode, time and date to be confirmed)
  • Present findings to ACT’s partners in December (mode, time, and date to be confirmed)
  • Comply with ACT’s financial requirements by providing relevant justification of expenses.


  1. Locations to potentially visit (only a representative number need to be visited)


  • Jendouba (1 partner)
  • Kef (5 partners)
  • Siliana (2 partners)
  • Kasserine (1 partner)
  • Tozeur (1 partner)
  • Médenine (2 partners)


Duration and Timeline:

8 weeks to be organized at the discretion of the external evaluator between appointment and the end of November, with an additional two presentations in December, it can be as such: 

  • Phase 1: Desk base / field base research
  • Research of current situation (1 week)
  • Research of ACT docs (1 week)
  • Visits and communication to partners (4weeks)
  • Phase 2: writing and presentation
  • Write up (2weeks)
  • Presentation for ACT
  • Presentation for ACT partners



Phase 1: 50% of agreed fees after the desk based and field-based research.

Phase 2: 50% of agreed fees after the presentations for both ACT and ACT partners.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • A relevant university or master's degree.
  • Proven experience with project evaluations including evaluation design and the use of different evaluation tools.
  • Experience with Livelihood programs and/or with people with disabilities.
  • Ability to facilitate multi-stakeholders’ discussions and lead dialogue.
  • Excellent oral and report writing in Arabic, and English or French.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • Be available for the scheduled time between September and December 2021.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 17 juillet 2021

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