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Appel à consultant – HIVOS Retour vers les opportunités


30 Novembre 2023 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Terms of Reference (TOR) for a Regional Mapping Study

  • Project: Impact Together! (I2G)
  • Study Title: Mapping of the Supply-side of Finance for Social Enterprises in the MENA Region
  • Duration: 40 working days between December 2023 and March 2024
  • Location & geographical coverage: (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan).
  • Deadline: November 30th, 2023.
  • Start date: December 10th, 2023


About Hivos and EVPA

  • Hivos

Hivos is an international organization guided by humanist values, that works for a world where people can realize their full potential, unleashing their ingenuity and creativity to build fair, just and life sustaining societies for themselves and generations to come. We work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America in three impact areas: 1) civic rights in a digital age, 2) climate justice, and 3) gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Our approach is solution driven, and we build wider movements for change by amplifying and connecting
voices. To ensure continuity and expansion of our work, we aim to diversify our sources of funding and increase our funding base.

  • EVPA

EVPA is a unique network at the intersection of finance and purpose, driven by knowledge and focused on impact. We aim to increase prosperity and social progress for all, fix inequalities and injustices and preserve the planet. We rally people, capital, knowledge and data to catalyse, innovate and scale impact. EVPA brings together a diverse group of capital providers (impact funds, foundations, corporate social investors, banks, public funders) and social innovators of all sorts – from household names to emerging new players. We take on big issues, study and celebrate systems change, call for transformative regulatory frameworks and optimized public funding. As we guide newcomers to the impact space, we promote impact transparency and integrity.

About Impact Together (I2G) Project

Impact Together! is an EU-funded program led by the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) along with local implementing partners in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan. Hivos is the Regional Partner for the I2G project and aims to provide continuous support to and share knowledge with implementing partners based on previous experience within the region and in engaging with diverse stakeholders.

The project aims to promote and strengthen the social economy as a driver for job creation and the expansion of economic opportunities, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive economy in the Southern Neighbourhood countries. The project operates at three distinct levels:

  • Macro Level: the project aims to enhance policy dialogue and awareness regarding social economy and social innovation. It also seeks to promote relevant policy frameworks and foster collaboration among a wide array of stakeholders, including public authorities, business support organizations, investors, financing institutions, and social entrepreneurs.
  • Meso Level: the project is designed to enhance the capacity and impact competencies of Social Economy Support Organizations (SESOs) and local partners. This includes bridging the gap between policy frameworks and the specific needs of social entrepreneurs and enterprises.
  • Micro Level: the project will provide support to selected social entrepreneurs across the target countries, helping them scale up their ventures and improve their market access, thereby increasing their social impact.

To achieve the objectives of the action, partners intend to engage with various target groups representing both the supply and demand sides of finance for the social economy ecosystem:

  • Supply Side: this includes private and public sources of social investment capital, including individuals, private and national foundations, impact funds, venture philanthropy funds, other re-granting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), companies, business entrepreneurs, traditional investors, business angel communities, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), Development Financial Institutions (DFIs), and other development finance organizations.
  • Demand Side: this covers traditional charities, social enterprises businesses with a social impact.
  • Policy Level Actors: this encompasses policy makers and organizations involved in policy planning at the state level in the field of social investment and social entrepreneurship to further foster the ecosystem.

Study Objectives

The primary objective of this regional mapping study is to comprehensively map existing and potential stakeholders on the supply side of finance who can be engaged with the Impact.

Together project across target countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan).

More specifically, the study aims to:

  • Identify potential (social) investor networks, local philanthropists, impact funds, foundations engaged in supporting social issues, international donors/DFIs/IFIs, and key policy actors or state-of-the-art entities.
  • Creatively identify opportunities and collect data on the traditional finance providers, such as local companies and international businesses, that offer various funding opportunities, that could be potentially transferred or transformed into supporting social enterprises or other impact businesses.
  • Offer pragmatic recommendations to project partners on how to engage with relevant actors of the supply side of finance, either already present in the region or interested to enter the region to provide access to finance.

Expected Outputs of the Study

The output of this study will take the form of a comprehensive roadmap that provides:

  • A Mapping that covers and indicates the existing and potential sources of finance for the social economy ecosystem. The map is expected to categorize the identified stakeholders to reflect the degree of relevance of their work and their interest in engaging with the Impact Together project. Interested applicants are encouraged to propose a suggested format for the mapping. That should be a comprehensive document for practical use of the project partners outlining the actors of the supply side, relevance areas of interest, exemplary projects where applicable.
  • Engagement Strategies and recommendations that show clear entry points to engage the identified stakeholders on the supply side of finance and proposed solutions for overcoming potential challenges that fall within the project’s scope and attention in this domain.

Users of the Study

While the primary audience for this document is the implementing partners of the Impact Together project, it is anticipated that other individuals and organizations interested in understanding the social economy ecosystem in the target countries may also benefit from this knowledge product.

Expected Methodology and Proposed Approach

  • Methodology

In line with the scope of the study, it is expected that the awarded consultant(s) will develop a detailed and structured methodology that will address the intended objectives. This methodology should encompass both primary and secondary data sources. The consultant is expected to propose a methodology that serves each output of the study. More specifically, the consultant should outline and thoroughly explain in the technical offer the following:

  • Mapping Methodology: a clear and standardized methodology for identifying and categorizing stakeholders on supply side of finance, presented in a user-friendly format.
  • Stakeholder Analysis Methodology: for example, a Knowledge Base Chart and Power/Interest Grid to analyze identified stakeholders, reflecting their knowledge about the social economy and their existing/potential power or influence within the ecosystem.

Applicants are highly encouraged to provide alternative methodologies and approaches that serves in addressing the study’s objectives.

  • Sources of Data

To derive sound insights and recommendation, the consultant is expected to:

  • Utilize Existing Knowledge and Networks: Leverage the existing knowledge and networks possessed by the project’s implementing partners, thereby building upon their established relationships and insights.
  • Rely on Desk Research: Conduct comprehensive desk research to identify the main players in the ecosystem, potential entry points for engagement, and relevant policy actors.
  • Collect Primary Data: When necessary and relevant, engage in primary data collection through methods such as rapid interviews or other suitable methodologies with identified ecosystem players. This will serve to validate findings and enhance insights.

Tentative Timeline for the Study

The duration of the assignment is for 3 months with a maximum of 40 labor days. The study is expected to commence in December 2023 and conclude by March 2024; exact dates will be decided on with the consultant during the contracting period. It is important to note that the consultant should be available to accommodate to partners’ working days and schedules across the region, as necessary.

Deliverables and Payments

The consultant is expected to submit the deliverables listed below and receive the corresponding payments:

Hivos reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and may seek additional information or clarification from applicants. The selected consultant will be expected to sign a contract and work closely with Hivos throughout the study period and expected to revert back and consult with EVPA on the direction of the study and outputs.

Hivos reserves the right to cancel this tender announcement at any time.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • The ideal candidate/agency consultancy should possess the following qualifications:
  • Proven experience in conducting mapping for development programs, particularly in the fields of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, ecosystem mapping, and mainstream/impact investment-related topics.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to engage with diverse partners and stakeholders.
  • Familiarity with MENA region context and an understanding of social entrepreneurship and impact investment concepts.
  • Proficiency in English; fluency in Arabic and French is highly desirable.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 1 novembre 2023

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