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Appel a consultant / Business Analyst to review and analyze Business Plans-DRC عودة إلى الفرص

Danish Refugee Council

يطلق   Appel d’offres

انتهاء الصلاحية

07 نوفمبر 2023 Il y a 8 months

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الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunisie


Business Analyst to review and analyze Business  Plans developed by the Danish Arab Partnership  Program – Youth Inclusion and Entrepreneurship  Project’s Beneficiaries.  

  1. Who is the Danish Refugee Council? 

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few  with a specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and  supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees  and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all  stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon  return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons  in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies; and works with civil society and  responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence. 

DRC has been working in Tunisia since 2011 as part of a coordinated Libya-Tunisia program responding  to regional instability following the Arab Spring revolutions. DRC has been one of the main  implementing agencies providing services in Shousha refugee camp, as well as to refugees living in  urban centres in southern Tunisia. From 2014 to 2021, DRC implemented a series of armed violence  reduction projects aimed at enhancing community security and resilience in key border towns in  Tunisia. In 2022, DRC North Africa has restructured itself and established a joint legal entity for Tunisia  and Algeria investing skills and resources to continue to develop its existing portfolio and expand its  services to migrants and other displacement affected populations in both countries. 

  1. Background 

DRC Tunisia is currently implementing, as the country lead in Tunisia, the Youth Inclusion  and Employment Project (YIEP) which is part of the Youth Employment Program of the  Danish-Arab Partnership Program (DAPP) funded by the Danish Ministry of foreign affairs. The Danish-Arab Partnership Program is Denmark’s collaboration program with the Middle  East and North Africa focusing on Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Jordan. Globally the YIEP 

component during 2022-2027 phase is led by PLAN international, however, in Tunisia it  will be implemented by DRC Tunisia as a country lead, GAME, and MS ActionAid. The YIEP final outcome is: 

Young women and men have enhanced employability, obtain wage employment and/or  self-employment. 

In order to achieve this result, the consortium is focusing on 5 different outputs: Output 1: Young people, in particular young women, have the knowledge, skills,  and attitudes to plan and pursue their career paths as well as to engage with governance  processes and duty bearers 

Output 2: Young people, in particular women, have market-responsive technical  skills, knowledge of finding employment, and greater access to the labour market

Output 3: Young people, in particular women, have entrepreneurial skills, business  plans and are pursuing their own businesses 

Output 4: Young people, in particular women, increasingly know how to make  strong business plans and obtain finance for entrepreneurs, and they are successful in  doing so. 

Output 5: Young people, in particular women, influence and face a more enabling  and conducive environment for them to pursue decent income opportunities 

DRC is collaborating with 3 implementing partners (Injaz Tunisia, Fondation Tunisie Pour  Le Développement & Yunis Social Business Impact Partner) to implement activities under  to output 3 and output 4. 

The main indicators to be considered under each output are: 

Output 3: 

O3.1 ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT: Number of young entrepreneurs who are  supported through service provision, including mentorship, market access  linkages, incubation and business development support (11568) 

O3.2 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPETENCE: Number of young women and  men who demonstrate entrepreneurship competencies which are core to  business10 (youth from O3.1) (7200) 

O3.3 BUSINESS START-UP: % of young people trained within the last 12  months who have pursued starting their own business (youth from O3.2  [5,760]) 

O3.4 STRONG BUSINESS PLANS: % of youth’s business plans screened and  approved as strong enough for starting their business or growing their business  (strong financial aspect included) (youth from O3.2 [5,400]) 

Output 4: 

O4.1 PROGRAMME START-UP CAPITAL: # of entrepreneurs who obtain  finance through the programme (seed capital, grant funding, small loans,  equipment, specialised courses etc.) 

O4.2 PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING LINKAGES: Number of external  partnerships established to support young people accessing external funds O4.3 SECURED EXTERNAL CAPITAL: % of participating young people who  report having accessed private/government/external (other programmes,  cooperatives, family, etc ) funds for entrepreneurs (youth from O3.4) O4.4 YOUTH FRIENDLY FINANCING: % of participating young people who  report being supported by business organizations/financial institutions to pursue  self-employment opportunities (youth from O3.2) 

O4.5 KNOW-HOW TO ACCESS: % of participating young people who report  knowing how to access private/government funds for entrepreneurs (youths  from O3.1 [9,254]) 

  1. Purpose of the consultancy 

The purpose of this consultancy is focusing solely on indicator 03.04: screening all the  submitted Business Plans with a maximum of 500 Business Plans per year and providing  feedback and recommendation regarding each Business Plan. 

it is worth noting that the template of the Business plan to be used is already drafted by  the DRC team, and that all beneficiaries will be supported by DRC‘s implementing partners  to create a Business Model Canvas (BMC) framing their business ideas.

Overall Objective 

The ultimate objective of this consultancy is to evaluate each Business Plan based on  clear evaluation criteria -to be agreed upon with the program manager – in order to  identify if the Business Plan is 1) weak 2) good but needs development/improvment  and 3) strong (ready to be referred to finance) 

Responsibilities and Tasks: 

Consult with the DRC team (and DRC’s implementing partners if relevant)  in order to understand the project’ outputs and indicators as well as the roles  and responsibilities of each partner and how activities are implemented. Establish the criteria and the process of shifting from a Business Model  Canvas to a Business Plan using the template developed by the DRC team.

In close collaboration with the DRC team develop the Business Plan  evaluation criteria. 

Screen all submitted Business Plans with a maximum of 500 business plan  per year 

Attribute a score to each screened Business Plan based on the evaluation  criteria. 

Categorize all screened Business Plan into (i) strong Business Plan that is  ready to be financed, (ii) weak Business Plan that needs improvement and (iii)  Business Plan with brilliant/innovative idea but not well presented. 

Give concreate individual feedback and recommendations on how to improve  the BP and make it strong enough to access finance (to be shared with  beneficiaries). 

Reporting on the result and analysis of the screened BPs (by sector, age,  gender, region, score etc.) and presenting results with focus on lessons learned. 

  1. Objectives and deliverables of the consultancy 

The primary objective of this consultancy is to play a pivotal role in enhancing the entrepreneurial  landscape in Tunisia, particularly for young individuals, by focusing on Output 3.4: the screening and  evaluation of Business Plans. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive analysis of these plans,  categorizing them into three distinct groups: weak, requiring improvement, or strong and ready for  financing. 

The key responsibilities and tasks include engaging closely with the DRC team to establish the criteria  and processes for transitioning from a Business Model Canvas to a fully developed Business Plan,  using the template provided by the DRC team and define the Business Plan evaluation criteria and  meticulously screen a maximum of 500 submitted Business Plans each year. 

The final deliverables will consist of categorizing the screened Business Plans, providing concrete  individual feedback, and furnishing recommendations for improvement. This constructive feedback  will be shared with beneficiaries to empower them on their entrepreneurial journey. Additionally,  the consultant is required to produce a comprehensive report on the results and analysis of the  screened Business Plans, allowing us to extract valuable insights and lessons learned. 

5. Scope of work and Methodology 

The primary objective is to evaluate and categorize Business Plans submitted by aspiring young  entrepreneurs. A critical task will be to assess each Business Plan based on predetermined criteria,  which will be developed in collaboration with the program manager, to determine whether they are  weak, require further development, or are strong and ready for financing. The evaluation process will involve screening a maximum of 500 Business Plans per year and assigning scores based on these criteria. In addition, our consultancy will provide individualized feedback and recommendations to  assist aspiring entrepreneurs in strengthening their Business Plans. This feedback will empower  beneficiaries to fine-tune their ideas and improve their chances of accessing much-needed financing. 

  1. Deliverables  

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables:  

Phase Expected deliverables  Indicative description tasks Maximum  

expected days

1 Inception Report understanding the project  activities, designing the process of  shifting from a BMC to a BP and  developing the BP evaluation  criteria. 10
2 Analysis of BPs Screening, scoring and providing  feedback on BPs as well as  reporting on and presenting of  results during regular meetings  with the project team to discuss  the progress. Ongoing


The documentation should be delivered through email. 

  1. Duration, timeline, and payment 

The consultant(s) must be available to start the assignment by 13 November 2023. Deliverables are not considered final until approved by the Project Manager. The proposed costs should cover all expenses. 

For activity task 1 the payment will be made as a lumpsum upon approval from the  Project Manager. 

Concerning task 2, the payment will be made on a monthly basis depending on the  number of screened BPs, thus, the consultant is invited to estimate the cost by Business  Plan screened. 

The payment currency is the Tunisian Dinar (TND). 

  1. Proposed Composition of Team  

Senior Business Analysist 

Junior Business Analysist 


  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required

Both companies and independent consultants are eligible to apply International firms/individual may apply for this RFQ, but their offers will only qualify if the  proposed consultant(s) have presence in Tunisia.


At least 3 years of experience as a business development officer, business  creation/growth consultant or mentor 

Proven track record in analyzing and evaluating business ideas/plans.

Good verbal and written communication skills in English, French, and Arabic


Experience from research and documentation of business analysis in Tunisia. A good understanding of Tunisia’s economic context 


The consultant has the authorization to work in Tunisia 


A university degree in business administration, business intelligence, business analysis,  business development, economy, or related field. 

  1. Technical supervision 

The selected consultant will report to the Project Manager and will work in close coordination with  DRC EcRec team. 

  1. Location and support 

The Consultant will use her/his own computer and mobile telephone  

  1. Travel 


  1. Submission process 

>> Please refer to the RFP letter invitation. < 

Interested applicants who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to  submit the following documents to rfq.tun@drc.ngo no later than Tuesday 31-10-2023,  17:00 Tunis time (GMT+1):  

CV(s) of consultants with details of qualifications and experiences indicating  documentation of relevant assignments undertaken and full correct details of  three professional referees.  

Technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the  assignment including the proposed methodology and examples of similar  previous experience. 

Annex A Financial proposal providing cost estimates of daily consultancy  fees. 

Annex B DRC General Condition of Contract signed copy. 

Annex C Supplier Code of Conduct signed copy. 

Annex D Supplier Registration form, completed and signed.  

  1. Evaluation of bids 

> Please refer to the RFP letter invitation. < 

DRC will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical (70%)  and financial (30%) feasibility.  

DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons  and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder. Only those shortlisted will  be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the  consultancy assignment 

The proposal will be evaluated using the following criteria: 

Criteria  Points  


Total Weightage
Proven and extensive experience in delivering entrepreneurship training focusing on  developing business plans. 1-20  20%
Proven experience in designing and  evaluating business ideas.  1-20  20%
Proven experience in evaluating business  idea’ rentability and projected financial  statements. 1-20  20%
A university degree in business  

administration, business intelligence,  economy, or related field. 

1-10  10%
Financial offer   1-30  30%


Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their  understanding of the consultancy services. 

Annex A1 Technical Bid Form (5)

Annex A2 Financial Bid Form (5)

Annex C_DRC General Conditions of Contract (1)

Annex D_Supplier Code of Conduct (1)

Annex E_Supplier Profile and Registration Form ENG (3) (1)

Annex F – Consultant Declaration Form (1)

Annex-H-Terms-of-Reference-Business Analyst to review and analyze Business Plans developed by DAPP

RFP Invitation letter

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