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Appel à candidatures pour la réalisation d’un film documentaire (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


15 Juillet 2015 Il y a 10 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

The RESIDENCY is the first financial support scheme launched by DOX BOX in early summer 2015. Its aim is to support sociopolitically-engaged documentary films from the Arab countries that are reliant on the recontextualization of a pre-existing audiovisual heritage stemming primarily from citizen journalist and video activist material.

As financial support, The RESIDENCY provides directors and editors, as well as editorial teams, the opportunity and resources to edit their films to completion in Berlin, Germany. This includes covering accommodation and costs of living in Berlin, as well as providing a fully-equipped professional editing suite, technical and artistic support, supervision by a team of experts, and most importantly, dramaturgic consultation by internationally-acclaimed editors. The duration of The RESIDENCY can range from three to twelve weeks and is determined according to the length and nature of the material submitted, level of experience of the filmmakers, stage of editing, and the specific needs of the project.

The RESIDENCY is not only a technical and financial opportunity. It offers participants a safe, enlightening and professional environment in which to reach best decisions in the editing of their films. Each Residency award is supplemented by a tailored program of inspirational sessions including screenings, discussions, recreation, networking and personal visits with industry professionals.

The application can be completed in Arabic, Tamazight, Kurdish, English or German. Eligible are projects of any documentary film genre and all documentary filmmakers and video activists regardless of age (18+), previous experience or academic achievements, or political, national, ethnic, religious or artistic background.

The first Residency period is slated for fall 2015. The application opens on June 15 and the deadline for receiving all materials is July 15. Only fully-completed applications submitted in the above-stated languages will be considered by the selection committee.

If after reviewing the information here and in the FAQ you have further questions, please send an email to residency2015@dox-box.org.

  • The duration of the Residency can range from 3-12 weeks and is to be determined by DOX BOX based on the  length and nature of the material submitted, the level of experience of the filmmaker(s), the stage of editing, and the specific needs of each project.
  • Professional editing facilities for each documentary film project/team will be provided.
  • When a project is selected but has no editor, an experienced editor shall be assigned by DOX BOX.
  • A consultant editor and a number of advisors shall provide in-depth analysis and feedback to the creative team on structure and style.
  • Accommodations in Berlin for the duration of the Residency will be provided for all participants.
  • Per diem and local transportation for participants for the entire duration of the Residency in Berlin will be provided.
  • A tailored program shall be prepared for each project, including meetings with industry professionals, screenings and tours.
  • Support and assistance in arranging for the German visa shall be provided. DOX BOX provides no guarantee that a visa shall be granted.

Regulations :

  • Successful applicants will be requested to sign an agreement that is binding and only revocable in the event of force majeure (natural disasters, war, death).
  • Successful applicants are required to sign and return the agreement within one week of receiving the offer from DOX BOX. In case of non-compliance, DOX BOX reserves the right to revoke the Residency fund and offer it to another applicant.
  • DOX BOX expects the full participation and investment by participants in all Residency program events, including being present full-time in the editing suite.
  • Participants are required to submit an evaluation of their Residency experience to DOX BOX at the end of the Residency period.
  • Participants are expected to complete their films by the end of the Residency period.
  • DOX BOX requires acknowledgement in the credits of the film and on all promotional materials.
  • DOX BOX reserves the right to include the finished film in the DOX BOX online FILM LIBRARY, the archive, and in educational workshops.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Any age over eighteen, any level of professional and educational experience, from all Arab countries, regardless of country of residence and currently in the editing stages of an eligible documentary film project.
  • Teams of director(s)/editor(s) or director(s)/activist(s) are eligible.
  • There is no prerequisite for an applicant’s proficiency in English or German
  • Only documentary film projects are eligible. Fiction is not accepted.
  • All documentary film genres of any duration are eligible. (Please visit the FAQ for further details.)
  • Film projects must be based or reliant on video activist footage or citizen journalist videos. (Found footage and archival could also be eligible. Please visit the FAQ for further details.)
  • Projects should address topics related to human rights and justice or be situated in a related sociopolitical context. (Please visit the FAQ for further details)
  • Regional and international co-productions are eligible. (Please visit the FAQ for further details.)
  • Since this program is aimed at helping directors and editors finish their films, well-developed film projects (clear treatment, structure, visual material, etc.) will be considered.
  • Only independent productions are eligible. Propaganda films, commercial films, and films commissioned by corporate, political and religious institutions are not eligible.

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Appel à candidatures Appel à projets Publié sur Jamaity le 6 juillet 2015

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