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Appel à candidature : Un responsable voyage à Béja et Bizerte, du 20 au 30 Octobre 2014 (Offre en Anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


20 Août 2014 Il y a 11 ans

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A RESPONSIBLE TRIP IN BEJA and BIZERTE (Tunisia) from 20th to 30th October 2014


LIVE YOUR TOUR is a project funded by the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Program 2007-2013 for the development of sustainable tourism in target destinations of 4 Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Lebanon, Italy and Spain).



In Tunisia, it is managed by the Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (Tamss) and aims at promoting the local heritage and natural resources of the regions of Beja and Bizerte to make of them two promising tourist destinations of the Basin.

After the successful trips held in Italy in September 2013, in Andalusia in February 2014, “LIVE YOUR TOUR” seeks 4 motivated Tunisian youth to participate at the 3rd International Off Season Camp that will take place in Tunisia from 20th to 30th October 2014.


The program of the trip will be provided to the 2 winners


The process of selection will be based on the criteria described below and through the evaluation of the curriculum vitae and motivation letter. In the assessment criteria 4 items, which will have a maximum score will be taken into account. The maximum score for each applicant, once rated all items, will be 20 points.


Items to value and maximum score:

  •   Experience in awareness campaigns with Youth. Maximum 6 points.
  •   Linking to organizations or volunteer activities related to the promotion of sustainable tourism. Maximum 6 points.
  •   English or French level (Evaluation through interviews). Maximum 4 points.
  •   Rate motivation letter. Maximum 4 points.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Are aged between 18 and 25 years
  • Are native of Beja and Bizerte
  • Are fluent in English
  • Are interested in discovering the natural and cultural resources of your own country
  • Are motivated to learn through experience
  • Are eager to meet other young people from other countries and cultures and create new relations
  • Love to experience the new
  • Have a passion for sustainable tourism
  • Are sensitive to cultural and environmental heritage
  • Can creatively reporting your experience and share with other youth of your environment
  • Are happy to learn and apply the good practices of sustainable tourism

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 16 juillet 2014

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