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(Offre en anglais) l’ambassade Américaine en Tunisie lance un appel à candidatures pour son programme “2019 Study of the United States Institutes for Scholars” Retour vers les opportunités

Ambassade des Etats-Unis en Tunisie

Lance   Appel à candidatures


15 Janvier 2019 Il y a 6 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

2019 Study of the United States Institutes for Scholars

The U.S. Embassy in Tunis is pleased to announce the 2019 Study of the United States Institutes (SUSIs) for Scholars.  These intensive post-graduate level academic programs, which include integrated study tours, provide university faculty and other scholars with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, and institutions.  The ultimate goal is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions abroad.

The six-week institutes will take place at various colleges and universities throughout the United States beginning in or after June 2019. The institutes for 2019 are:

  • Youth, Workforce Development, and Closing the Skills Gap, which will examine the role of U.S. educational institutions in preparing Americans with the skills needed to succeed in business, technology, science, the creative arts, and other fields. Topics such as urbanization, globalization, economic development, and the impact of technological advances on workers will also be included.
  • Journalism and Media,which will focus on the role that media plays in U.S. society.  Among other subjects, the institute will address how media and information literacy can counter disinformation.  Participants will also learn more about the impact of technology on journalism as well as pedagogical strategies for teaching students of journalism.
  • American Culture and Values,which will examine U.S. society, civil society institutions, democratic principles, and rule of law.  Participants will learn about American resilience though social, economic, political, and religious contexts through which, historically, various cultures have manifested and shaped U.S. culture, values, and society.
  • American Politics and Political Thought,which will examine how intellectual and political movements have influenced modern American political institutions. The institute will also explore major currents in U.S. political thought from the colonial period to the present.
  • Contemporary American Literature,which will provide a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of contemporary American literature.
  • Religious Pluralism in the United States,which will provide a deeper understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of religious pluralism in the United States and its intersection with American democracy.
  • S. Foreign Policy,which will explore how contemporary U.S. foreign policy is formulated and implemented.  The institute will explain the role of key players in U.S. foreign policy including the executive and legislative branches of government, the media, the U.S. public, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and multilateral institutions.

For more information on each of these programs, visit http://exchanges.state.gov/susi

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Participants must be Tunisian citizens who are resident in Tunisia
  • American citizens or green card holders are not eligible
  • Candidates must be fluent in English
  • Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly-motivated, experienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions of higher education or research focused organizations (not-for-profits, think tanks, etc.)
  • Candidates must be willing to embrace all aspects of campus life, which typically includes shared rooms and bathrooms and cafeteria meals
  • Candidates are typically holders of at least a graduatedegree and must have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the institute
  • Participants must be willing to participate fully in all aspects of the intensive program, and should accept that SUSIs are not research programs
  • Some of the institutes may overlap with Ramadan in 2019
  • Ideal candidates will have little or no prior experience in the United States
  • Priority will be given to excellent candidates whose home institutions are seeking to introduce aspects of U.S. studies into their curricula or to develop new courses in the subject of the institute.

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