30 Août 2017 Il y a 8 ans
Agency Name: Assistance Coordination
Description: This project aims to strengthen the legal framework for CSOs in Tunisia through technical and legal support for a comprehensive reform of the Decree Law of Associations which will improve fiscal transparency of CSOs while guaranteeing the freedom of civil society to operate in Tunisia without undue constraints from the government. The project will improve transparency through the process, and will include input from CSOs and subject matter experts.The project will increase the expertise and transparency of the government in registering and overseeing CSOs through training for government officials and the creation of a digital platform for registration of CSOs, which will provide transparency and fairness while reducing the opportunity for corruption and abuse of the system. The project will also include training seminars to clarify to CSOs their responsibilities in complying with the law and following proper registration procedures.
Link to Additional Information:Improving the Regulatory Environment for Civil Society Organizations in Tunisia
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Appel à projets Publié sur Jamaity le 27 juillet 2017
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