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African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) Tunis is looking for Photography Services Retour vers les opportunités


25 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) in partnership with ObservatoireTunisien de l’Economie (OTE) and African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) are organising African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) Tunis, Tunisia. The African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) was launched in 2015 and provides a platform for African legislators to undertake advocacy related dialogue and debate in a simplified manner on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), tax governance and Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) in Africa. APNIFFT has a basic governance structure and constitution.  It includes parliamentarians who are members of both national and regional parliaments. As of 2017, APNIFFT had recruited 72 members from 11 African countries. TJNA provides coordination support to APNIFFT and facilitates trainings. The focus of these trainings is to build the capacity of parliamentarians to understand and debate issues related to IFFs and fair taxation systems.The skills development meeting for African parliamentarians on tracking, stopping and retrieving illicit financial flows in Africa will take place on 5th and 6thSeptember 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.

In this regard, TJNA is seeking to recruit rapporteurs to work with the Secretariat in coordinating and delivering a successful APNIFFT event. Details of the role are below. The rapporteur will work closely with and report to the APNIFFT Coordinator.


The focus of these training is to build the capacity of parliamentarians to understand and debate issues related to IFFs and fair taxation systems.

  1. To equip targeted MPs with skills to understand, identify monitor policies and mechanisms that facilitate IFF from Africa.
  2. Develop the legislative capacities to curb IFF and support domestic resource mobilization
  3. Share and exchange peer lessons from successful efforts undertaken by legislature to address IFF.
  4. Develop understanding of existing opportunities, initiative and tools to support legislative capacity on IFF in Africa.

Tasks (performance requirements)


  • Shooting on HD to provide high quality footage of the Event.
  • Photo coverage of all sessions including: the plenary and breakaway sessions.
  • On-the-go sharing of pictures taken with TJNA social media team for immediate online publication.
  • Arrangement of pictures per speakers, sessions and days. All pictures should be cut into a single folderfor the entire week shared on a flash disk.


  • Shooting of HD quality videos interviews of participants to the event:
    • The said videos shall include but not limited to:
      • 03 mins max short HD videos interviews with:
      • 02 event participants and
      • 05 event’s trainers/speakers
      • For a total of 07 short video interviews
      • Previous similar video interviews can be watched on Tax Justice Network Africa’s YouTube channel for reference.
    • On-the-go sharing of the 07 videos taken with TJNA social media team for immediate online publication (preferably at the end of the day).
    • Video livestreaming of the opening, closing and plenary sessions of the event through Tax Justice Network’s YouTube channel.

TJNA responsibility

  • The deadline for delivery of final pictures and videos to TJNA is Friday, 6thSeptember2019 (including rough video cut edits of all the deliverables).


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Appel à candidatures Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 20 août 2019

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