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L’AFAC lance un programme de subventions “the North Africa Cultural Program” Retour vers les opportunités

Arab Fund for Arts and Culture

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01 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie et 1 autre(s) régions

AFAC recently launched a new grants program titled the North Africa Cultural Program, dedicated to the five countries of North Africa – namely Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya.

The program runs over three years (2019-2022) and comprises two support schemes: a National Fund and a Regional Fund. Together, the two funds aim to strengthen independent arts and culture entities (institutions, collectives, networks, spaces…), encourage regional collaborations, and focus on supporting distribution, circulation and dissemination of artistic works in all fields.

The National Fund offers support in the form of core and program funding to strengthen the structures of independent arts and culture entities and for their increased engagement and outreach, as well as the training and skill-building of young artists and emerging professionals.

The Regional Fund supports collaborative projects that are jointly created among entities; the distribution, dissemination and circulation of artistic works and productions to broad audiences; the documentation, archiving and sharing of data, knowledge, and contemporary practices in arts and culture; as well as exchanges on the development of frameworks for arts and culture education and cultural policies.

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Appel à dons Publié sur Jamaity le 30 mai 2019

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