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Advocacy and Media Engagement Trainer – DRC Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel à consultants


15 Juillet 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droit de l'asile


Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is an international non-governmental organization which promotes and supports durable solutions to the problems faced by vulnerable people affected by conflict and instability all over the world. Danish Demining Group (DDG) is the branch of DRC that focuses on human security programming. DDG strives to identify safety and security needs from the perspective of those living with conflict and to help them find non-violent solutions. These go beyond traditional mine action activities to include Violence Reduction (VR). VR programming specifically seeks to engage communities in developing durable solutions to local safety and security challenges.


DRC operated in Tunisia from 2011 to 2013 to provide direct humanitarian assistance to refugees fleeing the Libyan crisis in Shousha camp near Ben Guerdane. Since that time, the organization has been able to generate visibility and credibility among local communities and develop of sound understanding of the local context. Most significantly, DDG has been present in southeast Tunisia since 2014, enhancing community security and resilience in the border-towns of Ben Guerdane and Dehiba and, in March 2018, extended its current iteration of programming to the Libyan border-towns of Zuwara, Nalut, and Wazin with a similar approach.

DDG programming has sought to address border management holistically, investing in analysing the full system of dynamics that cause tension within and across communities and fuel insecurity and illicit trade throughout the border region. As a result, DDG has succeeded in establishing Conflict Management Committees (CMCs) in each town, as well as opportunities for exchange and joint cross-border conflict response initiatives that are contributing to preventing violence and to the stabilization of the border.

Thanks to the funds of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, DDG envisions a process whereby 5 pre-established Conflict Management Committees (CMCs) in the border-towns of Ben Guerdane, Dehiba (in Tunisia) and Zuwara, Nalut and Wazin (in Libya) can reinforce their conflict management and advocacy skills, plus create spaces of dialogue for the communities to address conflict in their region.

Within the ongoing “Violence Prevention Along the Tunisia-Libya Border Project”, an advocacy and media engagement training is foreseen that will strengthen the ability of the Committees to communicate with key stakeholders at the local, regional, and national levels using adequate advocacy strategies and dissemination tools.

Purpose of the consultancy

The overall purpose of this consultancy is to design and deliver a training session on advocacy skills addressed to the members of the Conflict Management and Analysis Committees established in the 5 locations where the “Violence Prevention along the Tunisia-Libya border Project” intervenes. The training aims to give participants foundational skills for developing advocacy strategies, messages and tools, as well as best practices for media engagement. Utilising DDG’s established Advocacy Training Manual, the selected consultant will therefore be fully engaged in the process of designing and adapting the specific training session and will ensure effective rollout of the already established DDG methodologies and materials. As such, DDG is seeking expert Tunisian trainer/s with excellent facilitation skills, proven experience working in advocacy and a demonstrable track record of implementing advocacy and media campaigns for international humanitarian organisations .

Overall Objectives

The Advocacy and Media Engagement Trainer, in coordination and cooperation with project staff and supervised by the Project Manager, is expected to participate in the design of the training, deliver the training, and produce a training report at the end of the consultancy.

Responsibilities and Tasks:

Collaborate on design and adaptation of the training content and methodology

  • Consult with DDG project teams
  • Provide feedback on the DDG training manual Deliver the advocacy and media engagement training
  • Prepare relevant material for the training
  • Plan co-facilitation with DDG staff member
  • Facilitate theoretical sessions and practical exercises aimed at building the participants’ advocacy skills

Report on training outputs and outcomes

  • Write a Training Report in the approved DDG template
  • Provide in-depth feedback and recommendations for ongoing learning and mentorship

Deliverables, timeline & payment


  • Consultation with DDG Staff & Feedback on Training Manual 1 day
  • Preparation for training session 3 days
  • Training delivery 2 days
  • Training report 1 day

TOTAL                                                                                         7 days

 Deadlines may be revised with consent of the Project Manager. Deliverables are not considered final until approved by the Project Manager. One day of work is equal to 8 hours.

Initial consultation and feedback process are expected to start end of July 2020.

The consultant must be available to deliver the training during the month of August 2020. The consultancy is expected to be completed by 20th August 2020.

The proposed cost should cover all expenses. National travels and accommodation costs will be covered by DRC/DDG; the training venue and basic material and equipment for delivering the training will be provided by DRC/DDG.

Payment will be made in a lump sum at the completion of services.

Reporting line

 The consultant will report directly to the Project Manager

Critères d'éligibilité

  • This call is open for national consultants only.
  • At least 5 years of experience delivering training
  • At least 2 years of experience working on issues of conflict management and advocacy
  • Demonstrable track record of leading advocacy and media campaigns for an international humanitarian organization
  • A university degree in social science, political science, or related field
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Arabic
  • Strong knowledge of interactive learning methodologies
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Highly self-motivated
  • Results-oriented
  • Attentive to details
  • Dedicated to producing timely and high-quality output

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 3 juillet 2020

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