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Advisor on transboundary water management and investment  for the African Union Commission-GIZ Retour vers les opportunités


20 Mars 2025 Dans 5 jours

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: International

Advisor on transboundary water management and investment for  the African Union Commission – GV Global Water Security for Re silient Development 

Position:  Advisor on transboundary water management and investment  for the African Union Commission
Place of Assignment:  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
Initial Contract Period:  01 May 2025 – 31 December 2027
Salary Band  4T
Application Deadline:  20 March 2025


About GIZ 

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a global service  provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development dedicated to shap ing a future worth living around the world. As a public-benefit federal enterprise, GIZ supports  the German Government – in particular the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and De velopment (BMZ) – and many public and private sector clients in achieving their objectives in  international cooperation in around 120 countries. 

Since 2004, GIZ has been a reliable and trusted partner of the African Union (AU) to enhance  inclusive growth and sustainable development on the African continent in line with the AU’s  Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. With around 250 staff, GIZ African Union cooperates with  the AU Commission, as well as the AU’s specialised institutions and agencies, such as the De 

velopment Agency AUDA-NEPAD, at continental, regional and national level in more than 40  member states. Key areas of engagement include Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention, Gov ernance, Sustainable Economic Growth, Health and Social Development, as well as Just Tran sition. 

The global programme ‘Water Security for Resilient Development (SecBlue)’ is part of the GloBe  Water Cluster (CoopBlue). It focuses on strengthening governance structures for improved wa ter security within broad development contexts to allow for more resilient development of coun tries and regions. Part of the global programme is the continental action ‘Blue Africa ‘, funded by  the European Union Delegation in Addis Ababa. Blue Africa is a key action of the Team Europe  Initiative on Transboundary Water Management in Africa (TEI TWM) and implemented in coop eration with the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) and the African Union Commis sion (AUC). The main objectives of Blue Africa are strengthening the continental water govern ance architecture, stimulating investments in the African water agenda, and the further develop ment of benchmarking and monitoring tools on water security.


As advisor for Blue Africa based in Addis Ababa, you are supporting the African Union Com mission (AUC), the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), and the Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP) with the implementation of planned measures within the  action. This includes the strengthening of the Africa-wide coordination and cooperation  framework for Transboundary Water Management (TWM), the improvement of African in vestment frameworks to stimulate investments in the African water agenda, and the improve ment of the benchmarking and monitoring tools on water security in Africa.  

You are responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring measures foreseen for the  AUC and AIP under the action Blue Africa, in line with technical and economical standards  and aligned with the AUC direct management contract which the EU has awarded to the  AUC. This includes monitoring of impacts, indicators, activities, as well as quality and  knowledge management and support with reporting towards the EU. 

Based on your close cooperation with the AUC, you provide guidance for the implementation  and further development of measures of the action Blue Africa, the overall TEI TWM, and  the global programme.  

You support the advisory services of the global programme to BMZ. This includes advisory  on BMZ’s role and tasks as representative of the German government within the TEI TWM  as well as advisory on TWM in general.  

You work closely with other advisors in the project team based in Addis Ababa, Abuja and  Germany, as well as bilateral and regional water programmes in Africa. This includes the  identification of, and where possible support towards, acquisition processes for additional  EU co-financing from the TEI TWM for other programmes. 

In addition, you establish trustful relationships with key partners, which are the AUC,  AMCOW, AIP, and other ongoing TWM projects of BGR, KfW and GIZ. Furthermore, you  will cooperate closely with the GIZ competence center on water, wastewater, and waste.

Your Profile  

  • University degree (Master or similar) in a relevant field (water management, hydrology, water  and sanitation, water resources, engineering, political science, economics, or environmental  science) 
  • At least 10 years professional experience in development cooperation projects in Africa regard ing water management, water resources, water and sanitation, water diplomacy, or governance
  • At least 10 years of work experience in infrastructure development in Africa, especially in financing infrastructure projects.
  • Expertise in structuring and arranging transactional finance is  an advantage.
  • At least 5 years professional experience in cooperation projects with African institutions active  in the water sector, on continental, regional or national level 
  • Ideally expertise and knowledge with EU funded projects 
  • Very strong communication skills and experience in working with high political visibility, very  good analytical and strategic skills 
  • Enthusiasm, team spirit, reliability, diplomatic skills, competence in gender issues and intercul tural behavior 
  • Independent working style and readiness to take over responsibility, strong networking skills
  • Excellent English is a prerequisite, good command of German and French are additional assets 

The position is based in Addis Ababa. Readiness for travel within Ethiopia, to South Af rica, Nigeria, and other African countries as well as Europe is a prerequisite. 

How to Apply 

The application should include  

  • a motivational letter / letter of application, 
  • a recent CV, including at least three referee contacts. 

Applications should be submitted via email to hr_au@giz.de with the subject line “Advisor on  transboundary water management and investment – Your Name”

Closing date for applications: 20 March 2025, midnight EAT. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be  contacted.  

Internal Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications using their official GIZ email  addresses.  

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from individuals regardless of  gender, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, age, or any other protected characteristic. We embrace  diversity and believe that inclusivity in the workplace is essential to our success and we are com mitted to creating a work environment where all employees are valued and respected. 

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