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Administrative Assistant-Chemonics International Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

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07 Novembre 2022 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social


The Libya Economic Acceleration Project (LEAP/Aqfuz) is a newly awarded USAID program implemented by Chemonics International. The
goal of the program is to promote inclusive private sector-led growth throughout southern Libya, increasing economic resilience while putting new future opportunities in reach for a diverse group of stakeholders. LEAP/
Aqfuz will enhance entrepreneurship skills, provide firm-level assistance, provide technical and vocational training, and strengthen the capacity of business development service providers.


The Administrative Assistant reports to the Operations and Finance Lead. 



Tunis, Tunisia 



The Administrative Assistant will be responsible for supporting the Operations and Finance Lead in managing all office-administrative issues including, but not limited to, office management, travel and logistics assistance, correspondence, office organization and archiving. The Administrative Assistant will also be responsible for ensuring compliance with administrative-related USAID rules and regulations and Chemonics policies and procedures. Specific responsibilities include the following: 


·        Support all office management and administrative tasks pertaining to the LEAP activity; 

·        Maintain administrative systems, including but not limited to communication logs, filing systems, and budget trackers;  

·        Follow up with project stakeholders as required, prepare project correspondence, file all relevant hard- and e-copy correspondence, and facilitate communication between the LEAP project offices and Chemonics’ home office; 

·         Act as a receptionist when required, receive office visitors, and field phone calls; 

·        Ensure office consumables are available and supplies are properly stocked; 

·        Assist in the production of reports and presentation materials as needed; 

·        Help coordinate procurement needs, such as project goods and services, ordering supplies for the office, and inventory tracking; 

·        Assist with project financial matters including coordinating subcontractor
invoices and assisting with financial reporting for project grantees as

·        Assist the project technical staff, external consultants, and project stakeholders/beneficiaries in arranging travel, transportation, and hotel accommodations for all LEAP project-related travel;  

·        Coordinate the logistics for all project events, including conferences, workshops, and trainings;  

·        Record meeting minutes at project staff meetings, mail documents as needed to home office, and perform other office tasks; 

·        Provide other duties as directed by the Operations and Finance Lead and Chief of Party. 


·        Minimum of two to three years of administrative experience with a high degree of responsibility; 

·        Ability to work with various types of people and keep a friendly, professional composure; 

·        Excellent written and spoken communication skills 

·        High-level Arabic fluency and proficiency in English; 

·        Demonstrated professional writing experience; 

·        Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail; 

·        Advanced computer skills, including fluency in Microsoft Office; 

·        Previous USAID or other international donor experience preferred. 

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Khaoula Ben Amor


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 24 octobre 2022

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