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(Offre en anglais) ACTED recrute un(e) “REACH Operations Officer” Retour vers les opportunités


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29 Septembre 2019 Il y a 5 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance et 2 autre(s) domaines

Department: REACH Libya

Base: Tunis


The REACH Operations Officer is responsible for the overall leadership and coordination of the REACH Libya Field Unit (Field Managers, Field Officers, Team Leaders, Enumerators, Projects Assistants), including direct line management all REACH Field Coordinators.

Chain of Command

  • Line managed by Country Coordinator
  • Line manages Field Coordinators

Working Relations

  • Field Managers
  • Field Officers
  • Team Leaders
  • Enumerators
  • Assessment Officers
  • GIS/Data Unit
  • ACTED Finance
  • ACTED Logistics
  • ACTED Security


Human Resource Management

Planning and recruitment

  • Coordinate closely with Field Managers and Assessment Officers to forecast the staffing needs for each assessment. Based on this, make sure each assessment has enough staff, at the right time, with the appropriate profile and qualifications.
  • Launch National Recruitment Requests for any new permanent/temporary staff positions required, and support ACTED HR with interview and selection processes.
  • Represent the Field Unit at REACH Weekly Coordination Meetings.


  • Train and support Field Managers, making sure they are able to manage Team Leaders and Enumerators according to the ACTED HR manual and procedures.
  • Provide fair, productive and thorough feedback to Field Managers on their work on a day-to-day basis and through the appraisal process.
  • Ensure that appraisals for all Field Unit permanent staff are completed in a thorough and timely manner.


  • Ensure that all permanent and temporary members of the Field Unit are trained on the ACTED Code of Conduct and receive refresher trainings where appropriate.
  • Ensure that all Field Unit permanent staff are adequately trained in the reporting process for breaches of the ACTED Code of Conduct, and make sure all issues are reported to ACTED/REACH HR and Coordination staff. Support ACTED/REACH HR and Coordination staff in conducting investigations into any alleged breaches.


  • Support ACTED HR staff to make sure that all Field Unit permanent and temporary staff records are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Support ACTED HR staff in troubleshooting issues related to temporary staff payments.

Assessment Implementation

  • Support Field Managers in the implementation of training for all assessments as required.
  • Work with Assessment Officers and Field Managers to develop weekly and monthly workplans for data collection.
  • Make sure that assessments are conducted in line with workplans. Identify and communicate any delays or blockages as quickly as possible to Assessment Officers, and identify solutions to overcome issues and improve efficiency.


  • Ensure that all REACH projects in Libya and Tunisia receive permission from relevant local actors prior to implementation.
  • Maintain and update contact lists and relevant information for key local actors.
  • Support Field Managers in resolving liaison/permissions issues as they arise, escalating issues to Country Coordinator where needed.


  • Work with Field Managers to identify procurement requirements (visibility, equipment) and support ACTED Logistics in responding to any follow-up requests for additional information or clarification following the launch of any procurements.


  • Liaise closely with ACTED Security, and ensure all relevant ACTED security protocols are followed by all Field Unit members, in both the field and at the office. Ensure all Field Unit staff are adequately trained on security in the field, and feel comfortable and confident undertaking field work
  • Provide immediate updates to ACTED Security on security incidents in the field via Security Incident Reports, phone reports and WhatsApp groups.
  • Where required, coordinate with ACTED security to conduct security assessments of proposed assessment locations and update security SoPs.

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