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(Offre en anglais) ACTED recrute un(e) “REACH Data collector” Retour vers les opportunités


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21 Juin 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Department: REACH, ACTED                                                   

Base: Tunisia



The REACH Data collector is responsible for conducting data collection in the field. He/she will conduct individual interviews and group discussions with migrants from different regions in Medenine and possibly other governorates in the south Tunisia and record the answers in writing. Extensive training on these data collection methods will be provided, however, after initial supervision and guidance, prospective candidates must feel confident to go to sites alone.

This is a short term position that requires strong interpersonal skills, as data collectors will be required to approach Tunisian migrants and returnees for interviews who may be in a tense environment. For this reason, preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate previous experience of working with individuals in difficult environments.

Chain of Command

  • Assessment manager
  • Field Manager
  • Data collectors

Working Relations

Internal Relations:

  • Assessment manager
  • Assessment Officer
  • Field Manager
  • Data collectors


The REACH Data collector is responsible for completing the following tasks:

Primary data collection

  • Conduct face to face interviews and group discussions with migrants from different regions in multiple sites in Medenine and other pre-identified governorates.
  • Ensure anonymity of respondents and develop relationship of trust and safe space during data collection exercise with respondents
  • Accurate recording of data collected
  • Provide daily feedback to the Field Manager regarding any challenges faced during data collection (incl. tool development, stakeholder and respondent management)

Representation of the organisation

  • Develop good relationships with members of the migrant community

Data management support

  • Ensure the reliability of the primary data by supporting Field manager with data cleaning and triangulation of findings
  • Be available to follow up on missing/incongruent information, as required

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Fluency in English and/or French
  • Advance level of English or French
  • Strong representation and interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Willingness to work flexible hours
  • Previous experience working in a challenging work environment
  • Availability to mainly work in Medenine and to travel between governorates if needed for possible short-term missions.
  • Ability to work independently and confidence to approach individuals for interview
  • Computer literacy to be able to enter manually written interviews on computer
  • Valid work permit
  • Previous work experience in migration, for example for an NGO or volunteer ( Desirable)
  • Knowledge of the different migratory dynamics in the south of Tunisia ( Desirable)
  • Since activities will be mainly based in Medenine, candidates who are based in or at a commuting distance are highly encouraged to apply. ( Desirable)
  • All employees of ACTED and IMPACT Initiatives/REACH are required to sign and follow the Code of Conduct in all professional matters, which is annexed to all contracts. This includes upholding the highest professional standards and ethical behavior in the workplace, and when in contact with beneficiaries, or information about beneficiaries. ACTED and IMPACT Initiatives/REACH prioritize accountability to communities in all operations, and expect employees to do the same.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 7 juin 2019

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