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(Offre en anglais) ACTED recrute un(e) “REACH Admin/Logistics Officer” Retour vers les opportunités


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24 Septembre 2019 Il y a 5 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Department: REACH Libya            

Base: Tunis                           


REACH Admin/Logistics Officer is responsible for supporting planning and budgeting of REACH project assets, equipment and human resources. Liaison between REACH project/field teams and the relevant supporting team (logistics, administration, finance, security). Support information flow between REACH and the supporting teams of ACTED. Admin/Logistics Officer should be up to date with ACTED HR, logistics, finance and security procedures and ensure they are applied as relevant to the projects and activities of REACH. Also the REACH Admin/Logistics Officer should support in conducting a regular meetings with program/projects managers to support with finance team in controlling budgets and allocations and having a main oversight of REACH spending. Adding that the Admin/Logistics Officer is responsible for drafting and reviewing REACH procurements and contracts.

Chain of Command

  • REACH Operations Manager
  • REACH Country Coordinator
  • Assessment Manager
  • Logistics Manager

Working Relations

Internal Relations:

  • REACH REACH Operations Manager, REACH Country Coordinator
  • Assessment Officer, GIS Officer, Logistics Manager, Logistics Officer, Admin Officer, Assistant Admin Officer, Finance Officer, Security Officer.


The REACH Admin/Logistics Officer is responsible for completing the following tasks:


  • Supporting REACH GIS Officers, Assessment Officers, Project Managers, Field Coordinators, Senior Field Coordinators and other REACH staff with the planning, budgeting and organisation of equipment for projects.
  • Attending regular meetings with project managers to discuss future projects’ logistical needs.
  • Being aware of ACTED procurement guidelines and lead in times for procurement, and ensuring they are applied.
  • Coordinating Order Forms for REACH projects to logistics team in Libya and Tunis
  • Liaising with logistics teams on the field regarding the tracking and management of REACH stock and assets. This could include smart phones, laptops…
  • At least a 1 weekly check in with logistics teams to follow up on the status of Order Forms.


  • Supporting REACH recruitment by planning staff needs with REACH project focal points, placing requests and following up their progress.
  • Liaising between REACH project focal points and bases HR in solving any administrative raised staff issues.
  • Keeping up to date with any new HR policies and communicating them to the different project teams via Officers or (Senior) Field Coordinators.


  • Following up with any tasks as requested by REACH project teams to liaise it with finance team.
  • Liaising with finance team regarding the tracking and management of REACH projects budgets spending, and having an overall-sight of REACH financial projects situation.


  • Maintain close contact between field/project teams to be informed of developments in project activities which may require Admin/Logistics support, and following up as needed with logistics, administration and finance teams.
  • Acting as an Admin/Logistics focal point at REACH, and lead all the Admin/Logistics work within REACH projects and budgets.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 4 septembre 2019

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