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(Offre en anglais) ACTED lance un appel à consultation pour l’évaluation externe finale du projet “Support to Libyan Local Actors to improve Services Delivery and to better manage the Reconstruction” Retour vers les opportunités


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28 Février 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 2 autre(s) régions

Duration of the Contract: March 15th-June 15th 2019

Location: Based in Tunis with Missions to Benghazi in Libya.

Detailed Terms of Reference are linked to the announcement.


The external expert will assess the project according to five DAC criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact). Cross-cutting issues such as gender, environment, accountability and do no harm will also be part of the analysis.

The methodology for data collection is to be determined by the consultant with ACTED approval. The consultant is however expected to conduct field missions to obtain the necessary qualitative and quantitative data that provides evidence of the impact of the response with members of communities targeted by the project. The evaluation should be conducted through secondary data review, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and household-level interviews with a broad range of project stakeholders, including beneficiaries, as well as direct observations.

Over all objective:

  • To provide an external opinion on the relevance and performance of the project, as compared to the project document and with a strong focus on results.
  • To highlight key lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations to feed back into current and future ACTED programming in the same sectoral areas and using similar approaches to meeting their objectives.

Questions / Clarification

If any clarification is needed, please address your concerns to tunis.logistics@acted.org until the 14/02/2019. A reply will be scheduled on the 18/02/2019.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Post- graduate qualifications in development studies or relevant area
  • Experience in project Monitoring and Evaluation, local governance and capacity building projects
  • Strong knowledge and/or demonstrated experience in designing and conducting similar monitoring and evaluation activities in insecure contexts is required
  • Excellent knowledge of the Libyan context, especially in terms of security, and culture is required
  • Strong knowledge of Core Humanitarian Standards
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings
  • Excellent written and oral English essential
  • Excellent written and oral Arabic would be an added value
  • The applicants shall identify a focal point for communication and reporting purposes, with appropriate skills and experience
  • At the briefing session, the focal point should submit a full contact list of all those involved in the evaluation.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 11 février 2019

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