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(Offre en anglais) ACTED recrute un(e) “Compliance Officer” Retour vers les opportunités


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16 Mai 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Job Purpose

The Compliance Officer contributes to (i) controlling, on a risk-based audit approach, the implementation of ACTED’s processes in compliance with ACTED’s guidelines, specific donor guidelines, best practices and national regulations in the relevant country; (ii) developing & actively contributing to action plans agreed with country coordination in order to mitigate the identified risks, and to cope with priorities, budget constraints and organizational context.

S/He provides technical support and capacity building to the country FLATS staff to implement the action plan and address the issues.

S/He also provides technical support for donor external audits and due diligences preparation and follow-up.

S/He should comply and ensure compliance to the audit code of conduct.

Chain of Command

Under the authority of:

  • Country Risk and Compliance Manager (if any) or Country Risk and Compliance Officer (if any) or Country Director (CD);

Functional Management:

  • Duty of alert toward the Transparency, Audit and Legal Director (shall inform HQ in case of major issue with a potential impact on the mission);
  • Area Compliance team

Line Management:

  • National Compliance team (Capital assistants and bases officers and assistants)

Working Relations


  • HQ (Finance, Logistics, Administration, Audit, Security, Programme, and Grant Management teams);
  • Country Director;
  • Independent from all other ACTED department but interact with all the departments at the regional, capital and area levels: Coordination, Finance, Logistics, Administration, Audit, Security, Programme, and Grant Management;


  • Donors auditors;
  • External auditors;
  • National and international Partners; National lawyers


  • Internal audit function: contribute to (i) controlling, on a risk-based audit approach, the implementation of ACTED’s processes at the capital, area and implementing partner level, in compliance with ACTED’s guidelines, specific donor guidelines, best practices and national regulations in the relevant country and (ii) developing and participating to action plans agreed with the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer (if any) or country coordination;
  • Participate to donor external audits and due diligences preparation and follow-up;
  • Training, lessons learnt and best practices: provide training sessions to reinforce the compliance level of country teams and implementing partners, propose improvement to ACTED’s current procedures, based on lessons learnt and best practices;
  • Facilitate internal coordination and communication and the National Compliance Team.


Under the supervision of the Country Risk and Compliance Manager / Officer (if any) or Country Director:

Internal Audit function

  • Participate to the implementation of the approved national internal audit plan: conduct internal audit missions through a risk management approach
  1. Conduct country Internal audit missions, according to the approved Country Audit Plan, and ACTED internal audit methodology in accordance with the approved Terms of References (AUD-03);
  2. Conduct Implementing Partners due diligences, participate to the mitigation plan follow-up;
  3. Suggest measures for mitigating such risks to the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer or to the Country Director, discuss the main findings and recommendations during the mission; draft an action plan (AUD-04B) to be discussed during the debriefing session;
  4. Audit report: send the audit reports (AUD-04A) to the to the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer or to the Country Director for review before regional and/or HQ approval;
  5. Ensure the recommendation follow-up and actively participate in their implementation.
  • Implementation of the ACTED standard guidelines and FLAT System at the capital, area and partner’s levels: contribute to:
  1. Control the monthly flow of documentation from the Areas and Partners to the Capital office; Review documentation’s compliance on a random basis;
  2. Compile, file and check all projects’ related financial, logistics, administrative, HR, and programme information (including documentation from the areas and the partners) in the designated project Compliance FLATS folder on a monthly basis (FLA 01 and FLA 03);
  3. Identify the compliance issues by filling the compliance checklists (FLA 02);
  4. Participate in drafting the Monthly Compliance Report (FLA 04) and the Audit TITANIC and obtain the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer or CD review and approval and send it to HQ.
  5. Participate in the weekly FLAT Meeting
  • When required, contribute to controlling the compliance with country rules and regulations. Upon request of your Coordination and in link with the Country Finance Manager:
  1. Support, in litigation cases (staff, suppliers, etc.) follow-up;
  2. Support National and local legislation follow-up (tax exemption, social security, labour law etc.);
  3. Tax/VAT exemption follow-up: control the ACTED compliance with tax laws and that tax/VAT exemptions are requested in a timely manner.
  • Provide support to mitigate the high risks identified
  1. Provide technical support to the Finance, Logistics, Admin, Audit and Programme departments and participate to the action plan implementation to mitigate the risks identified in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 upon request of the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer, the Country Director and / or the HQ Audit, Legal and Transparency Director.

External audit : contribute to the external audit and the due diligences preparation and follow up

  1. Participate to the preparation of external audits and due diligences in close collaboration with the HQ Audit Department, the Country Finance Manager/Officer and the Country Director;
  2. Analyze Grant contracts with donors and donor guidelines in order to know audit terms and conditions
  3. Draft of the External Audit preparation (AUD-01) and update the Project, FLAT & External Audit Follow-up (AUD-00);
  4. Contribute to train the implementing partners / country/area staff to the external audit preparation;
  5. Contribute, in line with Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer and/or the Country Finance Manager in managing external audit preparation related to Implementing Partners expenses.
  6. Contribute and facilitate audits and participate in kick off and close out meetings of each external audit;
  7. Contribute to draft ACTED Management responses to the audit report, to be reviewed by the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer and approved by Country Finance Manager and the Country Director first and then by the HQ Audit Department. Follow-up the reception of the signed audit report;
  8. Contribute to ensure (i) the update of the External Audit Recommendations follow up (AUD-02) and (ii) the implementation of the recommendations from external audits;

 Training sessions / lessons learn / best practices

  • Capacity building and Training
  1. Provide practical training on specific areas of ACTED procedures;
  2. Support compliance staff in the country.
    • Lessons learn
  3. Contribute to proactive dissemination and use of knowledge gained through audit activities (internal and external audits) among international and national staff;
  4. Upon request from the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer, participate in kick-off /closure meetings to share lesson learnt from previous audits and highlight donor guidelines.
    • Process improvement
  5. Participate to the reinforcement of current procedures, based on international best practices, donors’ requirements and results of internal & external audits;


  1. Participate in minimizing risk of fraud and corruption by ensuring adherence to ACTED FLATS procedures, ACTED Code of Conduct and ACTED Anti-Fraud Policy;
  2. Upon request of the Country Risk and Compliance Manager, the Country Director and/or the Audit Director, participate in Fraud cases investigations;
  3. Actively promote ACTED’s anti-fraud and whistle blowing policy within all ACTED offices in country.

 Internal Coordination

  1. Ensure training and capacity building for the Compliance team members in order to increase the level of technical ability and skills within the department


  1. Provide regular and timely updates on progress and challenges to coordination and other team members;
  2. Warn the Country Risk and Compliance Manager/Officer or HQ in case some major problems arise with a potential financial or reputational impact on the mission.
  3. Perform any other related activities as assigned by immediate supervisor.

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