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(Offre en anglais) ACTED recrute un(e) “Cashier – Filling Assistant” Retour vers les opportunités


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30 Septembre 2019 Il y a 5 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Name : Vacant

Department : Finance

Base : Tunis



In order to ensure a proper cash flow system within mission, the cashier will take care of ACTED physical cash release and documentation of physical cash flow.

Hierarchical Link

Under the direct supervision of Finance Officer

Working relations

Internal:  –Report functionally Country Finance Manager (Country level) and Finance Officer


General objectives: 

  • Respect and follow-up of ACTED financial procedures
  • Dealing with transfers and exchanges of money
  • Petty cash management
  • Cash flow follow-up (PRATIC)

General Responsibilities:

 I.II. Daily Basis:

  • Every day: ensure of having daily exchange rates of currency
  • Voucher & Cashbook: filling of voucher(s) & registration of voucher in cashbook
  • Payment: make payments for all items and services which have been approved by the Area Coordinator
  • Safe & Cashbook checking: at the end of each day, the cashbook and the safe should be checked and the balance should correspond
  • Money Exchange Dealing: whenever needed, change money for the cashbooks and register it in cashbook
  • Money Transfer Dealing: registration and exchange of voucher reference between Country Office and area

I.II. Monthly Basis:

  • At the end of each month: the balance in the cashbook and in the safe should be checked and the cash checking statement should be established and signed by the Cashier – Admin Assistant and his Area Coordinator
  • Vouchers: quality of vouchers should be checked by the Cashier – Admin Assistant at the end of each month
  • Cashbook & SAGA: cashbook and SAGA should be checked before closing the accounting month
  • Advances: ensure the clearance of all advances for the staff before paying the salary

Filling responsabilities

  • Tunis/Libya archives: ensure that Tunis/ Libya archives are well organized and that all documentation have a scan copies archived on the servor
  • Mission archives; ensure the document flow between the different bases and Tunis, ensure that a scan copies are existing, ensuring the packing list, check etc
  • Liaison with Flats: focal point for audit purposes

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 18 septembre 2019

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