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Apply Now – Professional Fellows Program 2020 Retour vers les opportunités

Maghreb Economic Forum

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30 Novembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis


A two-way exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The PFP is designed to promote mutual understanding, enhance leadership and professional skills, and build lasting, sustainable partnerships between mid-level emerging leaders committed to strengthening their communities through social entrepreneurship and workforce development.

Program’s details:

  • Pre and post program virtual exchange and online training activities.
  • 6-week US-based program including a business development and social entrepreneurship intensive with University Partner, four week Fellowship placement in businesses and/or offices in Washington, D.C. and One-week host family stay.
  • US professionals to visit the Fellows they hosted in the US, learn about their countries and cultures, and support their follow-on work.
  • Follow-on projects to be carried out by PFP Fellows after returning home, supported by mini-grants.


  • Entrepreneurs and Social Innovators.
  • Small & medium business Owners and Managers who are investing in innovative socially conscious products and programs.
  • Individuals working in Civil Society/NGOs working on youth workforce training and development, increasing the role of marginalized populations in the economy, building financial literacy, training in technology use and IT development, and other efforts around economic empowerment.
  • Individuals working in University incubators, accelerators, and job-readiness programs, and programs focusing on business development, financial literacy, sustainable tourism, or economic development.
  • Individuals working in Government Agencies/Ministries, national policy offices, thinktanks, and offices working to increase the presence of underrepresented citizens in the economy.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • 25-38 years old at time of application.
  • A current citizen and resident of Tunisia.
  • Speak fluent to English (enough to work full-time in a US fellowship)·
  • Have at least two years‘ work experience in their field.
  • Currently employed·
  • Interest in hosting reciprocal program for Americans in your country.
  • Have demonstrated strong leadership skills and commitment to community Demonstrates initiative, teamwork, and openness.
  • Preference will be given to those who have not previously traveled on a U.S. government funded program.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 11 November 2019

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