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2 Qualitative Research Consultants or Research Agency – Tfanen – Tunisie Créative عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

04 فيفري 2021 Il y a 4 years

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1. Context:
1.1. General presentation:
The programme to support the strengthening of the Tunisian cultural sector (Tfanen – Tunisie Créative) is part of the programme to support the cultural sector in Tunisia (PACT) launched by the European Union (EU) in partnership with the Tunisian government , which aims to support the redefinition of the cultural policy and the restructuring of the cultural sector in the context of the new governance that Tunisia is currently experiencing. A total budget of € 9.7 million has been allocated for the implementation of this bilateral program.
Tfanen comprises a strong capacity building and grant mechanism approach and engages with a wide variety of stakeholders: ministries, decentralised public bodies, cultural professionals and civil society organisations. The project started in June 2016 for an initial duration of 36 months. In 2018 the project was extended for an additional
period of 6 months and has been re-extended to November 2021.
1.2. Objectives of Tfanen Tunisie-Créative
In a context of an institutional decentralisation and a generalisation of citizen engagement, the programme to support the strengthening of the Tunisian cultural sector (PACT) aims to contribute in the sustainable consolidation of democracy and economic prosperity in Tunisia, by enabling the contribution of culture in social
cohesion at local, regional and national levels.
The two specific objectives of Tfanen – Tunisie Créative are:
• Promote Tunisian cultural diversity and access to culture at local, national and international level;
• Support the freedom of expression and creation, mainly within new generations, and encourage the professionalization of cultural professions.
Tfanen – Tunisie Créative aims to increase the attractiveness and access to culture,  as well as to promote new initiatives and productions, stimulate creativity and allow the emergence of new generations of artists. It aims to reinforce a local collaborative approach and to contribute to the emergence of a cultural and social ecosystem in
which all the actors (citizens, civil society, private sector and public institutions) have their place and are actively involved. This will involve improving coordination between the various fields and initiatives, institutions and actors. A process of strengthening local capacities in terms of cultural and social awareness, creativity,
cultural management and cultural entrepreneurship is being initiated for this purpose.
Tfanen – Tunisie Créative also aims to allow Tunisian citizens, mainly youth, to participate in and benefit from a culture based on local, regional and national values and components, in the process of democratisation of Tunisian society.
2. Tfanen intervention logic:
To achieve the mentioned objectives, Tfanen follows a specific theory of change ToC that details various options of “paths leading to change”, in line with the British Council’s approach to culture as a driver of societal change and sustainable
development. The theory of change has been translated into concrete work strands as detailed below.
Tfanen provides financial and technical support to local cultural actors (civil society, public and private sectors, artists) through a combination of grant-making, training, learning and sharing, coaching, mentoring, and policy advice. Since 2016, Tfanen has subsidised 88 projects that enhance local cultural engagement, young artists’
creativity, festivals’ sustainability and preservation of heritage. It has also delivered structural funds (i.e. core funding to cover functioning and investment costs) to 7 cultural organisations allowing them to enhance internal capabilities, enlarge external audiences, professionalise their actions and contribute to the strengthening of the
cultural ecosystem. Technical assistance takes place through regional and thematic laboratories (Labs) of learning and sharing which engage cultural actors in a participatory and multidisciplinary co-construction of public policies. Tfanen also provides mentorship sessions, workshops, networking events and professionalisation
programmes to cultural actors.
Additionally, in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tfanen supports the design and implementation of reform and structuring projects within decentralised public institutions.
3. Statement of work
In order to monitor and evaluate the programme ability to the deliver the theory of change, quantitative and qualitative data is regularly collected by Tfanen’s M&E team through various tools (in depth interviews, focus groups, narrative reports, external evaluations, project visits, post-grant evaluations, case studies).
Within this context, Tfanen is recruiting tow consultants or a research agency to  support with the collection of qualitative data across our grants and technical assistance beneficiaries. The consultant will be expected to conduct quality in depth interviews with identified Tfanen program beneficiaries as required by the Head of MEL.
Each consultant will be awarded a maximum number of 45 interviews to be delivered over a six-month contract period. The contract can be extended as required by head of MEL subject to satisfactory provided services. Consultants will be expected to deliver a minimum of 10 interviews per month upon reception of the
research tool (topic guide).
3.1. Tasks:
The consultant is expected to:
• Conduct in-depth interviews with identified tfanen program beneficiaries
• Translating topic guides to Arabic if needed
• Transcribe interviews in English or French
• Provide a summary of key findings per interview
• Structure the collected data in line with the data collection framework in an Excel Sheet
• Conditional on written agreement, the consultant may be further commissioned to conduct data analysis and reporting
3.2. Schedule and work assignment:
3.2.1. Deliverables
The consultancy contracts are expected to deliver the following:
▪ 40 in-depth interviews with Grant funded projects
▪ 15 in-depth interviews with artists that beneficiated from activities funded with the Creativity Support Fund (FAC)
▪ 30 in-depth interviews with participants in Tfanen technical assistance program
This amount to 85 in depth interviews to be delivered by the consultants over the period February 2021-July 2021. With each interview expected to last up to 60 min and no less than 35 min.
3.2.2. Work Assignment
In case tow independent consultants are selected, Tfanen head of MEL will allocate deliverables for each consultant during the contracting phase.
3.2.3. Work Schedule
The agency/consultants are expected to deliver the prior deliverables in accordance with the following timeline. The timeline may be subject to change upon agreements between both parties especially if the consultants are able to deliver more per month and subject to project need.

5. Mission’s coordination and supervision
The mission will be carried out under the supervision of the head of monitoring, evaluation and strategic comms and in coordination with the M&E manager
6. Technical Proposals
All proposals submitted to Tfanen must include:
• Information addressing Bidder’s experience in providing each of the services identified in the above Statement of Work and Bidder’s proposed specific approach for providing those services to Tfanen under this contract, including sufficient information to determine a clear definition of services as it relates to other providers that may be  involved.
• Bidders may provide a list of up to three references for work performed of a similar nature during the last three years, along with contact details.
Tfanen may contact the references to evaluate past performance.
• Proposals will not exceed 4 pages (not including cover page).
• Proposals must also contain CV/resume
• The applicants must be legally registered to conduct business in Tunisia and should provide: Scanned copies of Commercial Register, Fiscal identification form (Patent)
7. Financial Proposal
Bidders must propose a firm-fixed Unit Price for each of the deliverables identified below and in the format of the table below. The Bidder’s pricing must be valid for at least 60 (sixty) calendar days after the due date for proposal submission. The proposed Unit Price should be fixed and inclusive of all costs to perform, including transportation, taxes, and other levies. To the extent that a Bidder proposed to  include any pricing not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the proposal. Proposals must be submitted in TND, payments under any resulting contract will be made in this currency.
Note that deliverable 4, 5, and 6 will be condition on the need of the MEL. That is the consultants are mainly expected to deliver 1, 3, and 3 but upon mutual written agreement the consultants may be requested to provide 4, 5 and 6.


شروط الترشّح

  • Master’s degree, preferably in social science, humanities, business analytics, or a related field
  • Excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and accuracy
  • Exceptional verbal, written, communication, and presentation skills in English and French
  • Excellent interpersonal communications skills
  • Ethical judgement and the ability to be tactful, discreet, and maintain confidentiality with sensitive data
  • Proven ability to work independently, be self-directed.
  • Training in qualitative research method
  • At least 4 years of related experience in market research and/or development project related to culture/arts/governance/economic resilience
  • Experience in planning and conducting qualitative interviews and/or focus groups (including on the telephone)
  • Experience in transcribing interviews
  • Experience in analysing interview data and summarizing findings
  • Experience with evaluation and assessment
  • Experience in a development project related to culture and arts and/or economic
  • Preferred:
  • PhD preferably in social science, statistics, education, business, or a related field
  • Experience in MEL or/and research for international development agencies/organisations
  • Strong verbal and writing skills in French and Arabic
  • Experience with research methodology, qualitative or quantitative
  • Advanced proficiency in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of qualitative analysis software such as NVIVO

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