Emna Sammari combines a solid academic background with rigorous activism on human rights and the women’s rights in particular. She is a lawyer, national expert on human rights, gender and transitional justice (JT), and the laureate of Women of the Mediterranean Program-Sciences Po’ Paris in 2015. She was selected as a member of the National Technical Committee overseeing the national debates on TJ in Tunisia which elaborated the TJ law. Emna is currently enrolled in the PhD program at the University of Legal, Political and Social Sciences in Tunis where she has worked as a part-time lecturer in Criminal Procedures and criminal law since 2013.
Emna works as a national consultant on TJ and fighting against torture with UNDP. She worked three (3) years as a program officer on criminal justice and fighting corruption within ICTJ. She has been very active within the Tunisian association of defending individual liberties – of which she is the responsible of research – defending in the human rights and individual liberties.
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