أعبّر عن رأيي

WikiArabia 2015 – Monastir – Tunisia عودة إلى الأجندة


02 أفريل - 05 أفريل 2015



شارك الحدث على

الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث المنستير
المجالات المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تبادلات ثقافية
What is WikiArabia?

WikiArabia is a 50+ person conference, meetup, workshop, and celebration, spread over four days in April 2014. It’s the first regional event of the Wikimedia movement in the Arabic countries, where you’ll discover all kinds of projects that people are making with wikis and open content, as well as meet the community that produced the most famous wiki of all,Wikipedia!

Following the meeting of Wikimedia Arabic community in Wikimania London 2014, a plan to have an annual conference is set in order to exchange experiences between local communities and discuss the ways to collaborate and promote Wikipedia in the Arabic world.

Wikimedia TN User Group, with support of Arabic Wikipedians and planned user groups in the Arabic countries, is intending to organize a 3-days Wikipedia conference in Monastir, Tunisia in April 2015.

In spite of the great evolution that Wikipedia Arabic has known during the last years, this still doesn’t reflect the real potential of the Arab community. Furthermore, developers and editors in the Arab world are working in isolation and have no support from local structures. Thus, this conference will be a good opportunity to enable information sharing, encourage initiatives and establish a common goal, strategy and collective voice. Hosting such a conference, would make our user Group emerge and get wide recognition from local communities and the government (by inviting delegates and decision makers).

We plan through this conference to gather around 50 participants from at least 10 different countries, organizations that support Arabic language, GLAM partners, Open Education and the aligned movement practitioners on the Arab world.


Communiqué de presse

المنظمات المشاركة

أكثر معلومات

يمكنك الإتصال بفريق التنظيم للحصول على أكثر معلومات

المواقع الاجتماعية

أضف على أجندة جوجل

الأحداث القادمة


Hôtel Nour : zone touristique Sidi Salem, Bizerte 7000. à partir de 19:00

إكتشف المزيد من الأحداث على "جمعيتي" بالذّهاب إلى الأجندة الجمعياتية

هل تودّ التعرّف أكثر على أحداث الجمعيات في المجتمع المدنيّ التونسيّ؟
جرّب الخانة أجندة جمعياتية للمنصّة

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