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Watch & Discuss! Threads عرض فيلم و نقاش مع المنتج عودة إلى الأجندة


19 جويلية 2018 de 14:30 à 16:00


U.S embassy, les Berges du Lac, Tunis

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الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تونس

Join us at the American Center to watch THREADS and to have a discussion with the film producer, Leonard Hill.
With the aim of creating art for social change, and expanding economic opportunities for women, THREADS is a documentary that tells a compelling story to raise awareness of an important, but often overlooked, area of economic empowerment in emerging economies — artisan enterprise. The film depicts a visionary leader in Bangladesh, Surayia Rahman, who frees herself and hundreds of other women and families from poverty and social hardships by creating timeless works of art.

Register through this form by July 17: https://goo.gl/forms/JoGG9aCc7FXXrEbp2.

THREADS has won film festival awards and has been shown in many countries as well as at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women side meetings in 2017.
For more information: https://kanthathreads.com

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