أعبّر عن رأيي

Tunisian civil society from an Egyptian perspective (Anglais) عودة إلى الأجندة


28 أكتوبر 2016 de 17:30 à 21:00


El Space 10 Bis Rue d'Algérie, 1000 Tunis, Tunisia

شارك الحدث على

الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تونس
المجالات المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تنمية محلّية
El space is organizing a very special Learning Lab in which the discussion will be held about the civil society both in Egypt and Tunisia, focusing on the  problems related to civil society (donors, opportunities, threats for Tunisia…).
This Learning Lab will be conducted by Youmna El Khattam.
Youmna is currently a senior student at the Faculty of Management and Technology at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, studying Financial Management and Accounting. Youmna has been a volunteer in different Youth Development related activities and initiatives since 2006.

She has participated in different events locally and internationally such as the 4th Arab Youth forum that was held in Alexandria, the International iEARN Youth Summit in Cairo as well as the Global Media Forum organizes by the DW-TV in Germany. She is currently a member in Siraj for Youth leadership and Development program, Save the Children, as well as Namaa for Sustainable Development an incubated project at Nahdet El Mahrousa NGO.

Youmna’s project “Be the change” is a capacity building program for the volunteers of iEARN program (an international education and resources network) in order to transfer the knowledge they gained to school students participating in the iEARN program in different parts of Egypt. Through her project, Youmna was able to train 30 volunteers in IT, Media & PR, Fundraising, Facilitation & Logistics as well as creating Fundraising and Media & outreach strategic plans for the iEARN and action plans for two major projects of iEARN (YouthCAN and MDG).

This Lab will be conducted in arabic language.

المنظمات المشاركة

أكثر معلومات

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