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Teaching Arabic Studies in America – By Dr. Muhsin Al Musawi عودة إلى الأجندة


06 أوت 2018 de 14:00 à 15:30


U.S. Embassy Tunis, Tunis

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Curious to learn why Ivy League universities in the U.S. offer Arabic Studies courses? Want to put things in perspective when choosing majors or taking courses with an international/intercultural focus?
American Fulbright Scholar and Columbia University Professor Dr. Muhsin Al Musawi will be with us at the American Center to answer these questions as well as:
• How does Arabic fit in comparative studies?
• What is the future of Arabic?
• How can Arabic Studies be streamlined?
• What’s the job market like for graduates in these fields?
To join us, register using this form by August 13:

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