أعبّر عن رأيي

Social Innovation: Introduction by Sarra El Idrissi عودة إلى الأجندة


23 سبتمبر 2016 de 14:00 à 16:00


US Embassy Tunisia, Les Berges du Lac, Ariana

التسجيل (البريد الإلكتروني)


شارك الحدث على

الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث أريانة

There will be 12 workshops (one every month) conducted by a variety of experts in social entrepreneurship and social innovation. This first workshop will be conducted by Sarra El Idrissi, consultant and project engineer, who will define concepts of social innovation and discuss strategies and techniques leading to social change.

Please confirm your attendance by email to IRCTunis@state.gov no later than Thursday, September 22, 2016.

Event organized jointly by the IRC and “El Space”.

About the Speaker:
Sarra El Idrissi, Moroccan native, currently based in Tunisia, works as a national coordinator within a European Union financed project “Employment initiatives within social and solidarity economy” and as an independent junior consultant. She holds a master’s degree in political science and project engineering in social economy from the Université Haute-Alsace.

About “EL SPACE”:
“EL SPACE” (www.elspace.org) is the first social coworking space in Tunisia, composed of a creative community of individuals, entrepreneurs (innovators), and non-profits. This community is collaborating to solve problems for local communities by implementing participatory projects to enhance sustainable change

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