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Science Expo 2015 عودة إلى الأجندة


05 Apr 2015 à partir de 09:00


Foire Internationale de Gabes,

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Science Expo 2015 is the second edition of the scientific community convension and exposition organized by the “Gabes Pioneer High School Student Council” and “JCI Gabes Junior”
This year, the event will be a national, non competitive convension where people passionate about science come from all over Tunisia to exchange ideas, get to know each other and showcase their work and achievements in front of the masses.
In addition, the event will also be attended by entrepreneurs, CEOs and company representatives interested in investing in science, as well as government officials.
The event will be held at the international convension center of Gabes (Foire Internationale de Gabes, près du corniche) for the entire 5th of April 2015, starting 9am.
The event will feature expositions of scientific associations, clubs and organization from Tunisia and beyond, Tunisian researchers and inventors presenting their work, as well as rich scientific workshops and a discussion forum attended by government officials to discuss solutions for some of Tunisia’s scientific community’s most challenging issues.

أكثر معلومات

يمكنك الإتصال بفريق التنظيم للحصول على أكثر معلومات

المواقع الاجتماعية

أضف على أجندة جوجل

الأحداث القادمة

استراتيجيات حديثة في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي

المركب الثقافي و الشبابي بسليانة à partir de 22:00

إكتشف المزيد من الأحداث على "جمعيتي" بالذّهاب إلى الأجندة الجمعياتية

هل تودّ التعرّف أكثر على أحداث الجمعيات في المجتمع المدنيّ التونسيّ؟
جرّب الخانة أجندة جمعياتية للمنصّة

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