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Model United Nations at the American Corner [en anglais] عودة إلى الأجندة


07 Nov 2014 à partir de 18:00


4054 Avenue de Yasser Arafat, Sahloul, Sousse, Gouvernorat de Sousse, Tunisie

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الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث سوسة

For the first time ever in Sousse, the Tunisian International Model United Nations (TIMUN) is starting at the American Corner!

TIMUN is the Tunisian student-run simulation of Model United Nations. It is an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, or other multilateral body, which introduces students (high school and university) to the world of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making.

At Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors of countries that are members of the UN, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. The students, better known as “delegates”, debate current issues on the organization’s vast agenda. They prepare draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with supporters and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the UN’s rules of procedure – all in the interest of resolving problems that affect the world.

Mohamed Ghedira, the President of the Tunisian International Model United Nations will be at the American Corner for an information session on Friday November 7th at 18:00! Come to learn more about TIMUN, how it works, and how to get involved. Participants will develop leadership skills, expand their knowledge of international politics, and learn to negotiate and resolve conflicts of global concern. Hope to see you there!

المنظمات المشاركة

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