أعبّر عن رأيي

Migration Movements Around The Mediterranean عودة إلى الأجندة


22 سبتمبر - 23 سبتمبر 2017 de 09:00 à 19:00


Hotel Africa ,50 Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Tunis

شارك الحدث على

الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تونس

Migration movements around the Mediterranean : Realities and Challenges.

This event is organized by Alarmphone Tunis in cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung North Africa office and will take place in Hotel Africa, Tunis on 22-23 September 2017.

The Alarmphone is a 24/7 phone line available to support rescue operations of refugees in a distress situation in the Mediterranean Sea. This is part of a project launched in October 2014 by activist networks and civil society actors on both sides of the Mediterranean.

The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) North Africa office participates in promoting creative initiatives in North Africa which aim to achieve social justice through the implementation of socio-economic alternatives, bottom-up political participation, and cross-societal dialogue.

With speakers and experts from North Africa and Europe, we will discuss the different aspects of the proposed topic.

The two days of the conference will be open to the general public and civil society for discussions and presentations with the objective of achieving the following:
• Inform about the situation of the Mediterranean countries mainly concerned by the phenomenon (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt) as a country of departure, transit and destination.
• Discuss the legal situation of migrants and refugees and the law of asylum in these countries.
• Take a look at the current situation in the Mediterranean Sea.
• Critically discuss the agreements signed between the European Union and some of the Mediterranean countries and their consequences

The third day of the conference (24th September) is BY REGISTRATION ONLY and will be in the form of workshops which will take place in Rosa Luxemburg office in Tunis (23 Avenue Jughurtha, Mutuelle Ville) aiming to share experiences with the perspective of carrying out joint actions.

Please send an email to the following adress for more information : migrationconf.tun@gmail.com

* Simultaneous translation will be provided. Languages of the conference are Arabic, English, and French.

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