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Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs of the Social and Solidarity Economy Retour vers l'agenda


25 Mar 2015 de 15:00 à 18:00


campus el manar, tunis

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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cet événement: Entreprenariat

Let’s gather all the young entrepreneurs of the social and solidarity economy gathering the the FSM !

This workshop aims at creating links between young leaders of the SSE coming from different countries and strenghten the network created by the Mont-Blanc Meeting.

During this workshop, each participant will have the opportunity to spread its ideas, meet leaders facing the same challenges, strenghten your network, and get access to opportunities for the development of your activity !

You’re leader or active in an NGO, a cooperative, a mutual society, a foundation, a social entreprise, then join the event.

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Événements à venir

L’employabilité et l’innovation

نزل NOVOTEL محمّد الخامس بداية من الساعة التاسعة صباحا à partir de 09:00

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