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Incubation program for building and sustaining community spaces Retour vers l'agenda


09 Décembre - 13 Décembre 2021 à partir de 09:00



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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cet événement: Arts/Culture
ل 10 منظمات المجتمع المدني الناشطين خارج تونس الكبرى في مجال حقوق الإنسان و عندهم فكرة أو مشروع إلّي يهدف إلى بناء المجتمعات و خلق مساحات مشتركة بيناتهم.
ما تنساوش تعمرو الإستمارة قبل 28 نوفمبر 2021.
*”The New Activists”هو برنامج تقودوا شبكة الابتكار للتغيير في الشرق الأوسط و شمال افريقيا و تنفذوا السبايس, إللي هو أول مختبر للابتكار المجتمعي في تونس .
As part of its program The New Activists, EL Space is organizing the Fourth activity: Collaborative Spaces for Civic Innovation. It is a 5 day- program that gathers CSOs and CBOs located outside the capital Tunis, having the goal to create safe and brave spaces for their communities.
The CSO incubator process:
The program aims to bring together 10 selected innovators with a community space ideas to work together to create and prototype engaging program(s) for their communities.
The incubation program is a set of activities going from training sessions, workshops and field visits to community spaces based in Grand Tunis.
Dates of the CSO incubator: 9-13 December 2021
Location: Tunis, exact location will be communicated soon.
To learn more about the incubation program process, click here: (Fr) https://cutt.ly/oTxf5ed / (Eng) https://cutt.ly/JTxgoOc
**You can apply in the language you are most comfortable with!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our project coordinator on fares@elspace.org (he is a very nice person!)
About the New Activists Program:
“The New Activists” is an inclusive program that aims to integrate CSOs in a process of accompaniment and capacity building, as well as active participation in national advocacy.
The program is led by the @I4C MENA Hub and implemented by @EL SPACE SOCIAL INNOVATION HUB

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نزل NOVOTEL محمّد الخامس بداية من الساعة التاسعة صباحا à partir de 09:00

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